Chapter 2: Petal's Pov

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We leave the park and start our walk back home. Flora walks a little bit ahead of me as she always does. I wonder what we are going to go home and eat... it's my first meal at home since September! I can even begin to say how much I have missed home and friends and family, but I can't help but long for my new home at Ilvermorny. I miss my friends and going to class. I miss helping with all of the magical creatures and casting spells. "Are you coming, slowpoke? " Flora asks, turning around for just a second and then goes back to skipping.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." I can't help but long for my other life, but I try to push it out of my mind. We reach the front door of the house and Flora swings the door open and runs into the kitchen. Dad stands over the stove trying to burn whatever he is cooking. Flora throws off her shoes and runs over and grabs a bowl. It seems to be that the food is Chicken Alfredo and Garlic Bread. I take my shoes off and lay them close to the door, then walk into the kitchen and grab a bowl.

"Hello, Father how are you today?" I turn to see Flora running over to the table quickly setting her bowl down and running back into the kitchen to grab a glass of apple juice. She sits down and gobbles up her food not bothering to wait on us. I carefully walk over to the table and set my bowl down and go back for a glass of water.

"I had a great day, I just got back home so I'm going to eat and then get some rest." My father says as I fill the cup up with water.

"Oh okay, we can talk more tomorrow then," I say over my shoulder as he walks out of the room and over to the table. I take my cup and sit down and start eating. We say maybe a few sentences during dinner but not enough to be called a conversation or small talk. It's just bits and pieces. Flora is the first done and runs into the kitchen with her bowl and glass and sets them in the sink. She runs past me and nods on her way up the stairs to her room.

"I'm gonna change into my pajamas and then we can talk!" I smile at her through my glass, as I take a drink. My father gets up from the table and wanders into the kitchen with his bowl. He sets it into the sink and takes off to his room without saying good night. I get it, he has had a long day. He lives a busy life on the road and trying to take care of two kids, it's hard. I get up and take my bowl and glass into the kitchen and start washing the dishes.

I was not asked to do so, I just thought I would be helpful. I hum a song I learned back at Ilvermorny. It's about the mythical creatures. When I finish with the dishes I go upstairs and walk into my room. I find that my trunk has been delivered and brought it upstairs. I open it and take out my pajamas that have little black and white cats on them. I put them on and wander over to my window and look outside. All of the good memories of Ilvermorny flood my thoughts again. I can feel tears start to form. I can't help but wonder what my friends are up to now. Who is taking care of the mythical creatures?

My favorite creature to take care of was a sliver grey hippogriff named Moondust. Even though I was only a first-year, I could tell the professor favored me. He would let me take care of Moondust almost every day and would let me take her out on breaks. I turn and go back to my trunk and look for the photo album I brought back. I had gone into town and had bought a photo album. My parting gift before I had left for school was a Polaroid camera. My camera was a light pale green. I opened the album and flipped to the page where I had taken photos of Moondust and my professor. I lay the album down on my bed and start to unpack my clothes. I take out my plush hippogriff and thestral. I arranged them nicely on my bed and slide my trunk under my bed. Next, I take my stack of books that I brought home and try to make room for them on my bookshelf.

Flora opens the door and comes in wearing her light pink pajamas. They are a two-piece: the top is a tank top and the bottoms are shorts. They have little salmon bows on the straps and a tie-up lace on the shorts. She is carrying her plush phoenix. She sets the phoenix down on my bed and starts to flip through my photo album. "You sure love taking pictures..." she mumbles.

"Yeah, I knew I would miss my friends, professors, and the creatures."

She closes the album and climbs on my bed. "What should we do tomorrow, Petal?" she asks as she yawns. I turn to the bed and pick up my photo album and place it in the special spot I made for it on my shelf.

"We can go to the park again if you like, or would you rather go on an adventure?" Flora looks at me and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Where would we go to have an adventure? I'm not five, we can't just play make-believe in the yard."

I look over at Flora and nods, "I suppose you are right, I didn't realize you were too old to play games in the back yard anymore." Flora smiles and picks up her phoenix.

"Good night!" She says as she walks out the door and closes it behind her. I turn back towards the window before I climb into bed and fall asleep.

The Fauna Sisters Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon