Depressed Levi x Depressed reader

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So this wasn't requested but like I said I will be doing oneshots of my ideas so that you have something to read and enjoy so here is my first oneshot!

The expedition went horrible. We lost so many soldiers to that female titan. I lost my best friends. I lost my squad. Sure I was hurt but it hurt someone else even more.

Captain Levi Ackerman.

He lost almost all of his squad apart from me and Eren.

It was a silent ride back to the walls. The atmosphere surrounding us was filled with death and sadness. After a while of riding we made it back to the walls. The chants of the crowds didn't make our moods much better. We rode with heavy hearts at the loss of our comrades.

"(F/N) can you take these papers up to captain Levi? He needs to do a report on what happened during today's expedition" I nodded to my commander and started to walk off to my captains office. "Oh and (F/N) I'm sorry for your losses" with that he walked away.

My (H/L) (H/C) hair was a mess from all of the mud and blood. I really need to take a shower I feel disgusting.

I was finally at the captains office. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A muffled voice called out asking me who it was.

"It's cadet (L/N), I've come to deliver you some papers from commander Erwin regarding the reports of the last expedition." I could tell he didn't want anyone visiting him at a time like this but I was secretly worried about him. Even though he was a bit of an ass towards people he still had a heart he just didn't show it.

"Come in" the weak voice answered. I opened the door and saw that he was sat at his desk with his head in his hands.

I closed the door behind me and placed the paperwork at the side of him.

"I'm sorry captain. I know that this is a hard time for you. I'm just doing what the commander told me to do." He didn't look up he just sighed making me more worried.

"Do you want to talk about it maybe? I mean I was there when the fight happened. If not I will leave you alone" again no answer. I took this as a sign to leave. As I was about to touch the door handle to open the door he called out.

"(L/N) stay." My eyes widened at his reaction but my face relaxed. I turned around and gave him a small smile.

"Of course sir"

"Levi." This struck me out of nowhere. The Levi Ackerman telling me to to call him by his first name? I've got to be dreaming. "It's just Levi when we're alone" I nodded and took a seat in front of him.

"How do you feel Levi?" I asked. His body shifted and he took his head out of his hands and looked me straight in the face. His steel-blue orbs.

"Shit. We lost almost our entire squad thanks to that motherfucker." I sighed knowing how he felt.

"Same. I thought that seeing so many people die in front of my eyes wouldn't affect me. But there was something different about them four. It was like our squad was one big family and now it's all just shambles" I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. I knew that I couldn't cry in front of him because it would make me look weak.

"You shouldn't hold it in (F/N) its the best to let the pain out than keep it in" I looked at him in shock, my eyes widened at his words. Then a look at confusion washed over my face.

"I could say the same for you. You've been telling people not to hold onto their pain because it will make them a mess. However you've been holding onto your pain for years." His steel-blue eyes widened a little. He hung his head low not looking into my (E/C) orbs.

"You act like a role model to everyone. You spend your time looking after people and don't spend enough time on yourself. You push aside your feelings for the sake of someone else. Tell me Levi is this how you want to live? Knowing that you put effort into making other people happy but didn't spend enough time thinking about what you actually want in life?"

I kept looking at him. I saw a drop fall down onto his lap. Then another one and it went on. He was crying for the first time in a long time. Even though he was known as the "emotionless captain" he actually had emotions.

"It's okay to cry you've told me numerous times when I've been feeling down." I felt a tear slip down my cheek. "Damn and here I was thinking I was going to be the strong one in this conversation" I have out a little giggled before more tears poured down my face.

"Sorry Levi... I'll leave you alone now" I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door. I gave him a little smile but he didn't look up as he silently cried.

Suddenly I heard the scraping of a chair and rushing footsteps. I felt a pair of strong arms latch onto my waist pulling me close.

"Levi..." I spoke out tears still rolling down my cheek.

"Please don't leave me alone (F/N) I don't like being alone..." I nodded my head and turned around in his arms. He grabbed onto my hand and dragged me to his bedroom. He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap. My face close to his. I gently placed his head on my chest so that I could comfort him.

I ran my fingers though his hair as we both cried at the loss of our comrades.

"(F/N)" he called out still sniffling a bit.

"Yes Levi?" He pulled his head from my chest and looked my directly in the eyes. His steel-blue ones staring into my (E/C) ones.

"I love you" he spoke out my eyes widened in shock.

Before I could say anything else he leaned in closing the gap and placed his lips on mine. I gasped a little bit from my action but soon kissed back. It wasn't passionate just loving. He pulled away and and noses were still touching.

"I love you too"

And we spent the night cuddling taking each others pain away.

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