Late night snacks

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After hours of training with Tetsurou, you decided to take a long hot bath, grab some food from the kitchen, then go to bed. You do this knowing that you had to get up very early in the morning to head for Shiratorizawa. You walk down the grand halls of the palace to your bedroom. Once you get there you ask your personal maid, Yukii, to draw a bath for you. Letting out a heavy sigh, you remove your armor, black leather boots, and silver circlet and then place them where they belong. As you walk to the washroom you throw up your (y\hc) hair into a loose bun, and throw the black top and red pants in to a random corner of your suite.

"Thanks, Yukii," you sigh as you slide into the warm water.

Then you feel a bucket of hot water being dumped over your head.

"Hey!" you scold.

"Sorry!" Yukii states with her tongue poking out of the corner of her pink lips.

"I should have never introduced you to my brother. He turned you into a trouble maker," you say with a small smile.

"Sure, (N\N) (nickname)."

After that, Yukii leaves you to your own devices to clean your bedroom. You look through the clear water, observing all of your scars. Should a princess even have scars? you thought bitterly. After all of the battles you have been in, you proved to be a good negotiator, and a good swordsman. Sadly for you, your skills left your body marred.

~~le time skip <3~~

You quietly pad down the halls munching on some cheese and a slice of bread from the kitchen. Even though you had maids, you preferred to serve yourself.

You kept your lazy path to your room, but then something stopped you... A smell. The smell of a foreign vampire. You turn to the smell and the foreigner emerges from the shadows.

"How did you get in here?" you asked, putting power behind your voice. You did this despite the fact that you were in sleep wear with cheese and bread in your hands.

"Doesn't matter," the man says in a gravelly voice. You could not see him for he wore a dark cloak. "What matters is that you do not try to negotiate with the Shiratorizawa. It will end poorly for you."

"Wow, I could have your head for this," you threaten.

"Oh yes, we all know you are to be the next Queen of Hearts," he sneered.

You did not respond. You simply sucked on one of your sharp fangs, reminding him of the pain you could inflict upon him.

"Majesty," he bowed. He climbed to the nearest window and launched himself out of it. You shrugged and continued your night, knowing exactly who it was and why he was here. You are going to get yourself killed one day, Iwaizumi, you thought.

A\N: Thank you for reading!! I sort of made it a cliff hanger, I also decided that Saturday is to soon to post more, so I will be posting on Mondays and Thursdays. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. ;} Enjoy! ~Charlee

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