Movie Night

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"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna go see a movie!?" Yells your friend (F/N) into the phone. You can almost picture her jumping around her room all hyper.

"Calm down (F/N)... But yeah I'd love to go see a movie, I need to get out of the house." You laugh when you hear (F/N) breathing on the other end trying to calm down.

"OMGYAYGOINGTOTHEMOVIES!!!!" She then burst out laughing. You cant help but laugh too hearing how excited she is for a movie.

"Seriously (F/N) calm down! I'm hanging up now cause I want to get ready for the movie."

"(Y/N) your such a party poopper! No one is going to see you the movie theater is dark an-" you cut her off annoyed by her babbling.

"Byee (F/N)..." Pressing the end call button you fall onto your bed and start laughing.


While your getting dressed you play One Direction's Up All Nguyen album full blast. No one is home today cause they have this thing called "work". You're glad your boss gave you a three day weekend... Singing along to Everything About You, you prance around your room. Your neighbors probably think you've gone crazy...

"Yes I like the way you smile

With your eyes

Other guys see you

But don't realize that its m-my loving

There's something about your laugh

That makes me want to have to

There's nothing funny

So we laugh at n-n-nothing

Every minute is like our last

So lets just take it real slow

Forget about the clock that's t-t-ticking

I still feel it every time

Its just something that you do

Now ask me why I want you

Its everything about you you you

Its everything about you!"

Again you fall onto your bed laughing at how crazy you're acting. You hear a BLING and see that (F/N) has sent you a text.

(F/N): just left my house on my way b there in 10

Your eyes grow to the size of plates. Rushing to your closet you pick out a lavender floral blouse and pair it with dark skinny jeans and your light brown boots. You then rush to the bathroom to pull your hair into a side braid. Before you got the text you had already put on your makeup so it was one less thing to do.

Pulling out you bag, you make sure you have everything... BLING! Another text

(F/N): waiting outside! :D

You slip on your coat and head out to the door. There you see (F/N) smiling inside her car. Climbing in, she pulls out of your drive way and toward the movie theater. "What movie are we going to watch?" You ask. (F/N) now has a cheeky smile on her face.

"We're going to watch the new Titanic movie!" She's back to her hyper self. Rolling your eyes you turn on the radio. Ed Sheeran's A Team starts to play

"OMG (F/N)!!! ED SHEERAN IS ON THE RADIO!!!" This was the first time that you had ever heard it play on the radio. "This is so awesome!" The two of you dance around in your seats and burst out laughing.

"We are so weird!" Arriving at the theather you park the car and buy the tickets. "Hurry we're going to miss the beginning!" cries (F/N) The two of you find a seat near the top and sit down just as the movie beginnings.


The movie is almost over and both you and (F/N) have tears in your eyes. Not until now do you notice that there is a curly haired boy sitting to your right. Only a few emty seats seperate you and him. From where you sit he looks really cute. You hear sniffling and think its (F/N)... It was actually the curly haired boy.

After the movie is over the two of you get up to go to the car. You notice that the curly haired guy now has a hoddie and shades. Weird you thought. Why would anyone wear shades in a theather...? As you're walking to the car, you look behind you to see that the curly haired guy is following you two.

Confused you try and shrug it off.

The guy keeps following you to your car and you start to freak out. You turn to him. "Why are you following us?!" He looks up and his cheeks turn bright pink.

"Sorry... I'm not a creeper I'm trying to get to my car..." He had a thick British accent...Where had I heard his voice before? 

"Oh sorry..." I said looking even more closely at him. "Where have I seen you before? You remind me of-"

"Well I got to go..." He hurridly walked to his car. It was a van and had blacked out windows. That was weid. The door opened as if someone was inside. You were able to see a bit of blondish brownish hair as the door opened.

"Hey wait!" You cry after him.

"(Y/N) what's your problem?! You're creeping him out!" Not caring what she said you still go and try to catch up to him. You finally catch up to him and grab his arm. 

"Aren't you Harry Styles?" You ask and his face imediatly turns pale white.

 "Please I...I gotta go..." He surely thought you were a creep.

"I just have one question, please? I'm not one of those crazy fan girls i promice!" He let's out a deep sigh and turns to face you.

"Ok it is me. But make sure not to tell any one!" Just then (F/N) comes up behind you.

"OMGISTHATHARRYFUCKINGST-" you cover her mouth cause she was definetly going to bring attention. Her eyes roll back and she falls to the floor. You look up and not only is Harry looking at her in horror but the rest of the band has their heads sticking out of the van.

"Yeah i never said if she wasn't.." You tried to laugh it off but they just keep staring from her to you. "So yeah can i ask you that question...?"

"Oh yeah um sure...." I gave him a smile.

"First off wanna say it's really cool bumping into you all..." Ok get to the point (Y/N) you say in your mind. "What I wanted to know is why were you crying during the movie?" I hear the boys stiffling a laugh... Opps! Maybe it wasn't such a good question....

"It was sad! Weren't you crying at that part?!" Harry doesn't seem embarressed just surprised that you thought it was weird that he was crying.

"Well yeah I was crying, but I just thought it was weird that a guy would be crying. Much less watching a sad movie like the Titanic..." Now the guys were full out laughing. While they laugh, Harry motions for you to hand him your phone. He quickly types something in and motiones for you to be quiet.  Giving it back he winks at you.

"Well thanks so much for being a fan of ours! We gotta go nice talking to you." He gave me a cheeky smile. The rest of the boys say goodbye too. Waving a goodbye you watch them drive away in the van.

"Wa-what happened...?" You had forgot that (F/N) had passed out. Quick think of something to tell her!!!

"A pigen flew down and hit you on the head..." You say satisfied.

"OMG IT WAS KEVIN!!!! KEVIN WANTED TO SAY HI TO ME!!!" Face plaming yourself you give her a hand and help her up. The two of you get into the car.


When you get home you remember Harry had typed something into your phone. You open it up and see that his name is in your contacts. Seems like he took your number too becuase you had a text message from him;

Harry<3;Call me sometime ;D


Hello my stalkers!!! (gonna call you that instead of bookworms) Hope you liked this image ;D Please vote and comment!!!

Anybody want an Image? Tell me what 1D boy(s) you want, name, and place to meet. So if you want one just leave that info in the comments:D


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