john b scoffed. "i'm trying to make us filthy rich here. okay, so that we can pay of a boat, or-or send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies." john b pointed to pope. "look, you guys know me. do i look like the type of person to fall for sarah cameron?"

"uh," jj began.

"do you really want us to answer that, or?" pope asked.

"john b, if this were a netflix coming of age film, you'd be the nerdy, quiet girl and sarah would be the star football quarterback who are forced to work together to help him pass biology and you to get the boy you like, a quiet, misunderstood musician, to like you back, but in the end you two fall for each other."

"stop, just stop," john b muttered.

jj patted her shoulder. "i thought it was good."

"look, you don't know her yet, i do!" kie yelled. "you can't trust her."

"her brother did hit me in the back with a golf club," pope added.

"rafe and sarah are different human beings."

"what did she do to you, exactly?" jj asked kie.

"she's like a-a spitting cobra-"

"oh god."

"first she blinds you, and then-"

"this is a bad analogy," pope stated.

"listen to me!" the group went silent. "whatever we get, she's gonna try to take."


"hit it, boys!" jj slid the bus door open. "we're going. recon mission."

john b's head jerked. "yo, uh, i think i'm gonna do this one by myself. tonight."

hannah snickered. "and by 'this one' you mean sarah cameron, right?"

"look, i just don't wanna spook sarah with the peanut gallery."

kie rolled her eyes. "i just don't understand why we're involving her at all."

"kie, we're not involving her, okay?" john b groaned, causing kie to glare at him. "it's just like, uh, a business meeting, thing."

hannah laughed as jj pretended to deep throat his joint. "ah, yes, prostitution. the classic exchange of goods for services-"

"shut it," john b snapped. "look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, alright? plus, we need the map."

"promise me nothing's happening between you two."

john b looked away for a split second before turning his gaze back to kie. "nothing is happening, kie."

"i'm being serious."


"this isn't about you, and this isn't about us. this is about her." kie stated. "dude, she's gonna get inside your head. just promise me nothing's happening between you guys."

hannah's heart ached with empathy for her friend. the pleading in her voice was painful to hear, and hearing john b lie to her only worsened this feeling.

"i promise."

the bus was silent for a few moments before jj spoke up. "that was really believable," jj said sarcastically.

"a hundred percent believable," pope nodded.

"you want an oscar for that performance?"

john b glared at the three. "anyways, um, i'm gonna go take care of business."

jj shook his head. "you're gonna take care of it."

"more like sarah's gonna take care of it," hannah smirked, earning her a high five from jj and a smack to the head from john b.

"fuck you," john b said as he exited the car.

"that's what sarah's for!"

"we'll just sit here," pope called out, "in the hot-ass car. while it's lightening."

hannah watched john b slam the door shut before turning back to the group. "he's totally macking on her."

"yup," jj nodded.

pope shook his head. "no question."

kie looked down at her feet, feeling tears sting her eyes. don't cry. don't cry. don't cry.

hannah, noticing kie's defeated state, silently went to wrap her arms around her friend.

kie sniffled, but hugged her back. "she's gonna get into his head," kie whispered, "just like she did to me."

"hey," hannah forced kie to look at her, "no, she's not. we're not gonna let that happen. right, guys?"

jj and pope nodded.

"bros before hoes," jj added.

"exactly. if you don't trust sarah, neither do we. and don't worry, we're not going anywhere."

kie managed a sad smile. "thanks," she whispered. "wait, do you guys hear that?"

"hear what?" hannah asked.

kie shushed her. the bus was silent as the four teens listened intently, barely making out the soft cries for help in the distance.

"please, somebody help!"

"oh, wait, no, i hear that!" jj shot up.

"shit," hannah muttered, sprinting out of the van and towards the source of the cries.

"sarah, what happened?" pope yelled, dropping down beside john b's still form.

broken sobs wracked sarah's body. "i don't know what to do. he needs help. topper shoved him."

kie stood there in shock, staring down at the unmoving boy.

"where the hell is he?" jj snarled.

sarah shook her head. "oh, please, please, please get help. i don't care who. just call someone."

"go! go!" jj commanded as pope went to go find help.

"topper," hannah yelled into the night, "i know you hear me! you're gonna pay for this, you sick fuck!"

"forget him!" kie screamed. "pope, hurry!" her eyes met sarah's, both rimmed with red from crying.

"john b, stay with me!" sarah sobbed, gently placing her lips on his. "please don't leave me."

and just like that, kie felt her heart break for the second time in one night.

BABYDOLL // JJ Outer BanksWhere stories live. Discover now