The devils eyes

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*The whole town has completely lost its mind everything from top to bottom was fucked....people have been raging, murdering, hanging and hurting others.

Some of them aren't even sent here inside this horrible place. The place I'm called sunnyside asylum. Where all the crazy and insane people go...I'm not crazy....

At least I don't think I am...

*shrugs and sighs*

I was only put in here because of what happened, I set fire to my childhood home with only a flick of my wrist after my foster parents beat me almost to death for speaking with tongue.

My foster mother was a very religious person, she already thought I was the devil and would lock me into a room with crosses and jesus statues. She would beat me with belts, Switches...technically anything she could find. As for my foster father, he was a failure, a liar and a no good drunk...he would sit on his ass and drink until he passes out...he would laugh when I got into trouble. I hated it...if your going to adopt a child, don't beat the shit out of them over nothing.

Anyways let's just cut to the story....the doctors and staff here call me the fighter or the biter....That's right f-i-g-h-t-e-r and B-I-T-E-R..because I've been in more fights then all the patients put together....and haven't lost one yet plus I like to sink my teeth into arms.*

I sat on my favorite chair in my room, staring out the window with my frail arms crossed on top eachother watching the fall leaves crumble and crunch under the staffs feet. Its lonely here in the psych ward, no friends because the people here had to start shit which resulted in chaotic fights. No family because no one wanted to visted me do to the murders of my mother and father, so basically...nothing to do at all besides sit in my room.

I continued to stare into space until a knock came to the door of my room causing me to angrily look at who ever it was. It was Jed, one of the nicest people in this wretched place, I smiled softly at him

"Come on Fruitcake....time for your monthly visit with Mrs. Ford" I groaned loudly and slouched down in my chair.

"I have no way to talk you out of this, do i?"

"Nope" He said with a smile plastered upon his face, he stepped closer and grabbed my straight jacket and mouth guard placing them both on me before making me sit in a wheelchair. He pushed the wheelchair down several halls before he came to a halt with several other people around my age. They all looked at me with wide eyes causing me to smirk with in my mask. Mrs.Ford smiled at me which caused me to roll my E/c eyes. Ugh that bitch is always smiling

"Welcome Y/N to our monthly meeting, how are you doing lovely day?" I growled at her...Jed took off my mouth guard, I cracked my neck and smiled crazily.

"I'm Fan-fucking-tastic...thanks for is that bite mark on your arm?" I asked with sarcasm....she stared at her arm then me

"In its healing process" I grinned and turned to look at the other teens.

"Who are these assholes?" I asked which caused some to glare angrily and some to just stare.

"This is Micheal myers, Norman Bates, Bubba Sawyer, his brothers Drayton and Nubbins Sawyer....Jason Vorhees and freddy kruger" I groaned and looked at all of them individually.

"Guys, this is Y/N Y/L/N..shes staying with us until she gets better...she's been-" I growled at her which shut her up immediately.

"Not everyone needs to know my story" I said with venom

I closed my eyes and imagined I would be free out of the straight jacket and move towards the window. When I opened my eyes I was unlocked from the straight jacket and I was next to the window. I turned around and smiled at their reactions...shocked.

"So what are y'all in for?" I asked

"None of your business, it's time to put your special jacket on" Mrs. Ford spoke as she stood up and took a step forward with the straight jacket in her left hand.

I smiled crazily and swung my fist at her face which made her fall onto the floor with a loud grunt.

The boys just watched as I straddled and beat the shit out of her..

Then the guards came and electrocuted me with those stupid stun guns. I fell off her wiggling around like a fish out of water and laid there when it was done.


Then lights out for me

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