A Warm Welcome Back to Family.

Start from the beginning

Sagiri: "It's okay, Onii-chan. I'll talk with him."

Masamune: Ouch. That hurt. Like seriously, it hit really hard on the nose! I better pay attention to what she has to say though, this is my chance to get back on good terms with them.

Sagiri: "But I have to ask. Are you really him? Nii-san, are you really Masamune Izumi? The author of Silverwolf of reincarnation."

Masamune: I kinda just said that but I get it it's a bit to take in. *Masamune holds his nose while he replies* "Y-Yeah, that's right. And you're Eromanga-sensei, right?"

Sagiri: *She turns her head* "I don't know anybody by that name."

Y/N: "So that is your thing."

Sagiri: "I-is that bad?"

Masamune: "Of course not. I'm glad to be finally meeting with you."

Sagiri: "Onii-chan, is it okay if he comes to our room?"

Y/N: "Sure, I don't see why not."

Sagiri: "Well then, Come in."

Masamune: "Ehhhhhhhhh!?"

Sagiri: "Didn't you hear me? I said, come in."

Y/N: "This opportunity doesn't come by often. You should listen to her."

Masamune: "It's really okay if I go inside your room?"

Sagiri: "I-I said it's okay, and so did Onii-chan."

Y/N: "You can. But let me just turn on the lights real quick." If she's ok with it, then I don't mind.

Masamune: "I-I see, thanks." Whoa! This is my first time seeing their room in a long time. It's honestly quite friendly and inviting. Surprising, considering it is housing a couple of neets. Wait, no. I shouldn't call them that. I'd be a hypocrite if I did.

3rd person POV

Masamune: "It's pretty tidy in here."

Sagiri: "Yeah." It's not like we'd leave it junked up.

Y/N: "We try and keep it clean in here. Though, it can get messy. But for now, just focus on how clean it is."

Masamune: "Good job guys." *He starts to pat Sagiri on her head*

Sagiri: "don't do that..."

Y/N now sports the outfit of a familiar man who thinks everything's a drag. He even slouches. 

Masamune: Where is he getting those from? 

Y/N: "Oi nii-san. I have the right and reservation to be the only one to pat Sagiri's head. With that in mind."

He starts to pet Sagiri's head and removes Masamune's hand off her head.

Y/N: What a drag he's being. He's too much work to keep up with.

Masamune: "Hmph. Is it really the reason? Or is it that you don't want me to treat you like a child?"

Sagiri: "No, Onii-chan's right. I've barely met you. Yet you come to my room and pet my head.  Which is reserved for Y/N's hands only, like you've known me for years."

Y/N: "how unsightly. You heard her nii-san, so you better not try that anymore."

Sagiri: "Sit here."

For unknown reasons, Masamune gets really excited. We may require the law to get involved. 

Masamune: "Touch me there?!"

I Wanted my Sister to go Outside, So I Made Friends. (Eromanga Sensei x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now