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1730 B.C
So long ago, in a remote land in the east land. on the edge of mountain Groome, two brothers sat on the verge watching the dawn. The younger  said "people will have their prayers tomorrow asking for a safe from the second fall... But I never knew what fall"
The older with calm look put his hand on his brother's shoulders saying "listen boy, you are old enough to pray with them and know the whole story:
The myth tells about a lost stone under the ruins of the fallen kingdom of Superbia, and once it is found, we will be doomed. The stone belonged to a mysterious man who possessed a great power and used it in virtuous aims. Yet, king of superbia was a greed longing for its power to benefit his lust. The stone was lost  when king of Superbia tried to strip the passerby of it, but a storm destroyed everything resulting into what we know as the first fall of humanity, during which many have died  and many have survived. The vision says that one day a human will find the stone, and there will be a more violent second fall with only fewer survivors who would be invulnerable to the devastation, and they are the ones who would outlast. We never know when.. We do not even know if we are destined to see it, but all we can do is to pray"
They walked down the mountain.

720 B.C
In the land of Haveo near the ruins of superbia, years before the second fall, there was a girl named Soteria who was about to die, and no one knew why? The lights in her eyes faded away, and her halo was shadowy and dim.
One day, a man wandered around, and he was just a passerby. Indeed, he was in a form of man, but he was an outsider who never had a plan just derived by pain and fate with secret of life in his vein. His pair of eyes was green vague, and his complexion was golden fair. He was tall and stalwart, and his flying hair added more grace to his shape.
In the place where the girl lived, people wondered who could help?.
The passerby offered a visit to see her; he told them that he has a special gift that can Vanquish her pain.
He met an oldster who raised up the girl, but surprisingly he was not her real father.
The oldster told the passerby that one day he was walking alone when he heard a baby cry. He found a baby girl with no one and with nothing except a patch in her hand with name Soteria. He tried to know whose girl is that, but he had no clue. The stranger thing  he noticed that Soteria suffered  illness,and to him it was oblivion.

The passerby knew that he could end it all. He told himself "Now, you passerby, leave the girl and she will forever die, or just say the words, and the girl will always be hereby to fulfill the long lived mission".
Another voice urged him saying "you know passerby that immortality does not only mean living forever, but it also means to lose everyone else"; he stared skyward bringing back memories of how he was left behind to suffer. He lived since the beginning of everything and shall never die till the end of the universe. "Is it just a misery or also a gift?", a voice whispered.
"But how could I leave her behind while I know I can give her life?". "I always left them behind knowing it is better for them not to live to fight the ravage time." He looked at the void and smiled as if he remembered something and with excitement and desire to give the secret of his magic he asked them to cure her  solely. He stood in front of Soteria's body and put a green shimmering piece in her heart and uttered the words:

"you shall live and be bound by eternal life of all the shinning stars and live till all the deep oceans dry and the stars burn before your eyes, but you shall save the world from its damaging craves and scars".

Immediately, the body became a flourishing image of life. A young girl with breathtaking beauty in her sparkling eyes rose. People shout with an excitement "hail! the passerby". The girl showed her gratitude and left without knowing her new destiny. The passerby walked away towrads the dusk.

Years have passed, surprisingly there were no second fall in them.
Soteria is still here, but everyone else is already gone.  Forever, they are gone and forever, she is numbed. Thousands of years have passed, the passerby and the girl are crawling through mornings and nights. He knows what is the point, but she still believes it is futile. They met on an unfortunate night, the scars of the passed centuries left marks on their souls. She said "here I am, I lost everything and I don't even feel human". He told her "I gave you part of mine, and I am not human"
"what is the point, who are you truly?, tell me", she inquired.
He answered her "meet me at the end of everything, and I will show the truth of your grief and gift".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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