Chapter one:Apart....

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It was 9:00 in the evening Shindou and Kirino was texting about how will Shindou tell his aunte about them

[Im really nervous..]
[Don't right here for you]
[I know i can always count on you....that's why i picked you]
[Hehe i have no time for you lie's Shindou.....]
[Im not lieng]
[Oh really?]
[I would never lie to you my i better go aunte mhei is here]
[Ok bye...]

After their love dovey routine.....Shindou walked to his aunte knowing this would be hard..because he know his aunte is not really a fan of gay stuff...anyway when shindou got to his aunte....."oh Shindou your already here.." Said the devil "Uhhh yes...i got here early..."
"So how was school?" "Fine and uhhh......aunte mhei?"Shindou said nervously " yes?"reply by the one and only person who's a loner!!!!!.... "I-i-i-ihave a b-boyfriend..."answered Shindou... " what!!!" His aunte shouted..."how many times do i have to tell you boys don't like boys!!..this is rarely disappointing" "but mom and dad support me and kirino" "buy i dont..." When his aunte looked at shindou holding his phone his aunte took it and grab shindou by his arm and locked him to his room,leaving shindou begging for her to ket him out...Shindou cried hard as he was worried about what will his aunte do next....While his aunte was downstairs his aunte mhei looked at his phone and sa a picture of them two and erased all of them when his aunte thinked of somerhing evil texting kirino

Fake Shindou
[Yes Shin?]
Fake shindou
[I dont like you anymore..i want you to stay away from me now because Okatsu cought my eyes i will be transfering to a new school so that we can forget each other]

After that aunte mhei walked to shindou's room "Shinsou..."Shindou stared at his aunte " you will be transfering from a nother school" "why?" "His no good for you" she replied"but i love kirino...i dint even got to say goodbye?" "Dont worry i already said goodbye for need to get some sleep tomorrow your not going to raimon"

Shindou's POV

Why is she doing this to me...i shouldn't have told her....... I lay on my bed to sleep thingking about kirino...

Kirino's POV

After seing shindou's message i asked my self 'was he just playing?'... I lay in my bed not stoping my self to cry thinking about what shindou said
"Might as well sleep for another hell day" i sadi to my self in a sad tone...

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