part 2

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Patch the alpha came alive again yay and Lina hugged him and they both went to his den he bought art and stuff for Linda. Linda came back with a ring for him and patched blushed. Thanks babe he said.  Woot moo came up to see him and kissed patch. Woot moo fuck off bitch. Patch said wootmoo cried I love you patch please he still said no.  I live Linda you asshole why you ifiottyt he's mine back off said Linda angery. Wootmoo cried and say alone patch felt bad but said that's my girlfriend WOOTMOO so fuck off he left the den and bepper showed up ten minutes later. Saying. You asshole what you say to my boyfriend ugh.  He's mine go away. To be continue  k so bepper went home and said omg wootmoo I'm SOOOOOO sorry patch is a bitch and sico ikr said wootmoo bepper got a gun and went to patches den and said I'm going to kill Linda if you don't give me rares and say sorry to my boyfriend wootmoo. Patch said no I don't I won't either "then I'll shoot her said bepper" ok fine he locked his den. Bepper said omg ugg ugh. "Are you ok said linda" I'm fine said patch.  But you got a scratch. Said Linda. I'm find he yelled wootmoo texted him saying meet at my den and he was like.  No my girlfriend will know I'm not a cheater sorry. He blocked wootmoo. What are you doing to do now she said. I don't know he touched her smooth juciy wet fur. They decided to go see  wisteria moon.  And she said heyyyyy patch and Linda got super made and started screaming at her get away from my boyfriend stupid bitch fuck off.   Patch winked at wisteria moon. And Linda saw. Omg asshole are you cheating on me. Uhhh no.  Wisteria moon texted him and said. Meet at my house later he quickly his his phone messages. What going on said Linda. Uhhhhh nothing patch said. He said wisteria moon I love you in his text.    She responded back with hearts on their way home patch the alpha saw maximum AJ and he said hey man And patch said fuck off ugh you fat idiot go away and leave my girl alone. He sighed and left. Almost home he said when stupid froggoAJ showed up and said hey Linda wanna date? OMG LEAVE MY BABE ALONE PATCH SAID CRYING ATOP EVERYONE LEAVE US ALONE *PATCH CRIES* finally were home and patch found lucky AJ maximum AJ froggo AJ woot moo aj bepper skorm beta x horse kek at his den "everyone fucking leave patch said or no one's gonna get hurt ". He locked his den and then Linda said "patch um I'm pregnant..." "omg yes is it a boy or a girl patch said". "It's a boy" yay a little son! Hurry you need the hospital
He ran to the hospital in kimbara outback. HURRY MY GF NEEDS HELP "sorry man you'll have to wait were full the doctor said" NOOO" A little bunny said u can help please in a doctor" ok tho just done hurt her patch said scared, don't worry I won't I know what I'm doing.
The doctor was able to get his son out his mom in labour he said. SHES LOOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD SOMEONE HELP" they got a bunch of doctors to save her, shell have to stay here ok?" The doc said. "I understand" he went home and worried w his son tbc. H

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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