Baking Together

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Picture is from the game!

Riddle Rosehearts 🌹

You and Riddle baked for the upcoming Unbirthday Party! Of course you would be made his favorite strawberry tarts.

He was meticulous about everything. Everything must be perfectly measured and everything must be done in the right order. 

When you added a few more strawberries he stared at you in horror, but then just shook his head and laughed.

"I'll let you bend the rules just this once, okay?" he said ,bopping you on the nose.

When the tarts are ready to eat for the party, everybody digs in, complimenting on how professional it looked.

"Naturally. Me and (y/n) followed the recipe to a t." Riddle would say with pride.

He was literally glowing at the compliments on the creation you and him worked so hard on. He knows how much effort you put into it, and he's proud of you 

However when Ace bit into it, he immediately spat it out."It's salty!" he complained.

"Really? I think it tastes great! Very 'grammable' in fact!" Cater stated

Uh oh, Riddle is panicking, trying to recall what went wrong."...(y/n)...You didn't happen to add oyster sauce did you?"

 "Uh..Yeah, I did. Trey said it was the key to best tart!" you answered sheepishly

Before the red-headed dorm leader to cast his unique magic, Trey made a bolt for it, laughing all the way."I can't believe I found another person besides Riddle to fall for it! Hahahah!"

You gave Riddle a confused look. "You fell for it too?"

The second year looked away, covering his blush with his hand. "Y-yes. But that's all in the past!"

After he recovered from being exposed by Trey like that, he takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"We'll make it right next time.Just follow my directions, I promise not to lead you astray.

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