"Good thing I've got these guns," He joked, throwing up and flexing the arm on the opposite I was leaning on.

"Definitely meant the cute part," I laughed, looking out over the kingdom.

We both just sat there in silence for a few moments, staring out over the kingdom. It was prettier than I remembered- a lot bigger too. The people were so happy- almost as happy as they were twenty years ago. They deserved it. It's such a shame that the Commandments showed up when things were just starting to get back to normal.

"Hey, Hauser." I mumbled, "Why did you become a Holy Knight?"

"That's a weird question," he laughed, before looking out as I was. "I've always been second best to Gil. I wanted to be a Knight before he did, but he decided because of the Princess. I wanted to be good at something. And I knew I could be good at this."

"Wow," I smiled, "you're actually a little bit cool too."

"Oh really?" I could practically hear his smirk.

"Don't get too cocky, little man," I warned, lifting my head from his shoulder and smiling at him. 

"Alright, alright," He grinned, now nudging me with his arm. "Well now you gotta tell me. How'd you get to be one of the Sins? Into the Holy Knight scene?"

I smiled, looking over the kingdom. I stayed silent for a while, looking up at the stars. "I've made a lot of mistakes. I got locked up here, actually. But Meli let me out, he helped me get back to myself. I don't think I'll ever be the same. I've seen to much," I turned at him and smiled. He was staring at me, his usual smile wiped away and replaced with a content look of curiosity. "But being a Holy Knight gave me a shot at being a good person again. And the Sins accepted me when nobody else did. That's probably why I freaked out about what they said too."

He stayed silent, continuing to look at me. My content smile remained- I was used to that reaction. However, that quickly changed when he grinned super wide. 

"Wow, and you said I'm cool?" He laughed, "You're as cool as it gets."

My cheeks burned red, and I smiled wider. I nudged him with my knee, "Oh, shut up, Mr. Gunshow."

"Hey, why not flaunt what you got?" He laughed flexing his arms. I rolled my eyes, standing up from where I was sitting. I bent down at my waist.

"Thanks, Hauser, I needed that," I pressed a light kiss against his temple before turning around and heading back to the group. 

Ban was glaring at me, not unusual. Ellie and Hawk were staring at me. He was wiggling his eyebrows while she was just smiling knowingly. I narrowed my eyes. 

"I will dropkick the both of y-"

A sudden wave of magical energy flooded over the group. All of the Sins turned their heads sharply to the orb. There was Meli, surrounded by smoke. I recognized that presence- it was all too familiar.

I stared down at the orb, bottom lip shaking and eyes wide in alert fear. He didn't seemed fazed, but everyone here was. 

"He needs to get out of there... get him out of there!" Ban yelled at the mage, but it was no use.

I watched as the smoke faded away and the Ten Commandments came into view, all their gazes settling on Meli. I couldn't hear myself think over the blood pounding in my ears. Other people were talking, but I didn't even recognize who it was or what they were talking. 

You knew that this was going to happen.

There was that little demonic voice probing the back of my head.

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now