" let's go home, shall we?" Vince spoke up and pulled away from me, standing straight.

I nodded, also doing the same. I stretched my arms up above me and groaned at the feeling, Vince stared at me as I did all sorts of weird and unattractive stuff.

" what?"my cheeks flushed red as he just smiled and shook his head, " nothing." He simply answered, grabbing my hands in his and dragging me after him.

" slow down," I whined, I was almost tripping as I tried to catch up with his long strides.
He seems to be forgetting that I have 5 inch heels on and a right shirt dress that rides up with my every movement.

He seemed as if he didn't hear my whining, but nonetheless slowed down to let me catch up with him.

He looked back at me with a smirk, " want me to carry you?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks.

I accidentally ran into him, I shrieked stumbling back about to fall but luckily, he grabs me before I could hit the floor.

" are you already trying to get rid of me?" I said playfully with a small laugh, he stared blankly at me and raised one of his perfect eyebrows.

I never understood that about him or any other guy I've seen up close, they had perfect eyebrows and long eyelashes. Apparently it was natural but I refuse to believe that.

How can they naturally get that, when I'm over here with terrible eyebrows that need to be plucked every single second.

There are a lot of features on his face that I'm envious of, but hopefully I'll get to look at them every day.


We drove back to the hotel he was staying at in a comfortable silence, our hands were locked together on my lap as I rested my head on the window.

The windows were open and big gushes were hitting me and him, making my hair fly around me.

I felt at peace, finally. A few minutes ago, I had asked him about the blonde. Turns out they weren't dating, she was just obsessed.

They had sex once or twice and she ended up catching feelings and went around telling girls to stay away from him.

It made me disgusted. She threatened me and Probably many other girls because of Vince. She probably even stalks him.

I can't help but be scared when I'm alone, you could never know when she will show up- or worse, a hit man.

I like to believe that she isn't capable of kidnapping or killing anyone but based off the things Vince told me, I think it's possible.

Apparently, they're known each other for 5 years. Her dad was doing business with Vince, they were making a deal that would really influence Vince.

But her dad told him that he would only sign the contract he If got married to his daughter.

And he did, they got married and stayed together for 3 years, which was the amount of time decided by her dad.

He said that it was an open, secret marriage but that wasn't enough for her. When she found out they were going to divorce, she harmed herself and ended up in the hospital.

She only wanted him to come running back and he did- not because he cared but because she could easily tell anyone he hurt her.

So up till today, she's been a crazy obsessed girl going around telling people they were married.

It's sick, a girl as pretty as her could be so psycho over a guy. I felt bad for her really.

" we're here." Vince said, squishing my hand. I shook these thoughts away and smiled at him. We were at the hotel he was staying it.

I didn't want to go back to my home with him, it would be strange to my feather.

I nodded and unblocked my seatbelt. My feet hurt like a bitch, so I took off the highly uncomfortable heels.

I groaned in satisfaction as the cold air hit my feet.

Beside me, Vince got out and rounded the car until he was at my door. He opened the door for me and grabbed my arms.

He said he would carry me if he had to, I told him there was no need but he insisted so I eventually said yes.

He carefully lifted me out of the car, set me on his hips. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck, I rested my head on his shoulder and wriggled a little bit to find a comfortable position.

He groaned and slapped me on the butt to tell me to stop. I grinned, knowing damn well what I was doing.

I would get in trouble for doing this but I don't care, I like getting in trouble- even if it means not sitting properly for a whole week.

I closed my eyes and hid my face on his neck, he felt like home. He felt like everything I wanted in life.

I was merged to him, stuck, and addicted.


Wow, 1 more chapter guys. I felt like this chapter lacked of emotion, it wasn't as romantic and sweet as I would've like it to be but aight.

Hope you guys enjoyed this super long chapter ( 2000 words)

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