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semi, rolled over onto his stomach and reached for his headphones.

he had left them on the bedside table.

after multiple tries at reaching for his headphones, he sat up, puzzled.

a tall figure stood at the edge of his bottom bunk holding his headphones, just out of reach.

"looking for this semi-semi?" he asked.

"shut up tendou." semi growled, before leaving the comfort of his bed.

he tried reaching up for the headphones, only to see tendou raise them up higher out of his reach.

semi huffed. 

"it's only 8 in the morning, what could you possibly want already?!"

tendou's expression changed.


he said, putting his two pointer fingers together.

"there's a cafe that opened pretty close to our dorm..."

semi rubbed his eyes and sighed, looking up to the taller male.


semi asked, waiting for a answer that would satisfy his already annoyed mood.

"wanna go there with me?" tendou questioned, tapping his fingers on the headphones.

"i heard their wifi connection is really good." he continued, trying to interest semi in going with him.

his roomate sighed.

"can i please have my headphones back please?"

semi reached for the headphones again only to come back unsuccessful.

"no," tendou said, smirking slightly. "not unless you go to the cafe with me."

semi rolled his eyes.

"why me, though? can't you ask taichi or reon?" semi asked.

tendou looked down.

"they seem to have already rejected my fantastic offer and company."

"hm i wonder why." semi replied mockingly.

"well there you have it, they said no so i'm guessing you can almost tell what i'm gonna say!" semi said getting more sarcastic by the second.

semi layed back onto his bed, and instead connected his phone to the bluetooth speakers on the table since he was still headphone-less.

tendou's face drooped.

"fine!" he finally gave in.

dropping the headphones into semi's lap.

"i'll just go myself then." tendou said on his way to the door.



tendou asked, turning to face the ash-blonde haired male.

"does the cafe serve caramel lattes?" semi asked. 

tendou nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"what type of cafe doesn't sell caramel lattes?" he replied, jokingly.

"hold up, i'm coming with you."


a caramel latte, please? | haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now