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my heart dropped. i took the damaged laminated i.d card out of the washing machine. why was my boss's i.d card in my boyfriend's load of laundry?

he was cheating on me. wasn't he?

i knew i was supposed to act shocked, heartbroken, or at least the tiniest bit of regret, but i had kinda waited for the day that something like this would happen. henry was just...too much for me. he would act possessive at times, and would always blow off dates which would piss me off. he wanted me to just sit still and look pretty.

i took a good look at the i.d card and chuckled. i could blackmail lilian, but this i.d card could grant me the best wish of all.

leaving florida. it could give me the chance to leave and restart.

there's nothing bad here, i mean, i was raised here for fucks sakes. but that quantico job offer has had me acting weird for the past few weeks. and i know that my co-workers know that i've been out of it.

i looked around the messy laundry room to make sure that henry wasn't creeping around somewhere and put the i.d card in my cardigan. i made sure that it was nicely placed in my pocket and that no wrappers from candy was lying around with it.

i grabbed a basket of henry's clothes and plopped it by my bag so i remember to drop off his clothes by his apartment. henry and i don't live together. we've only dated for like- three months? but time to time, he would ask me to do some stuff for him as a favor and i would always accept.

i never really know why i felt an attraction for henry. we've been working alongside each other for several years, and after the christmas party where all of us got incredibly drunk, i decided to get him out of the friend zone. terrible timing, i know. but, he does have the bluest eyes i've ever laid my eyes on. i know it's cheesy and all, but they do remind me of the pier back at palm beach.

hours go by, and i'm petrified on how i'm going to confront henry. should i have a powerful stance? do i cross my arms? i haven't broken up with a lot of people. i've only been in three relationships, including my five day kindergarten relationship john reeves. we broke up because he picked his nose and flicked his booger at me during lunch.

i leave my apartment complex and drive over to henry's residence. apparently his complex's laundry room is getting renovated, so that's why i'm doing his laundry for him. i checked to see if the i.d card of my boss, lilian, is still intact in my cardigan pocket. and thankfully it was.

i walk down the carpeted floor of the hallway. i could hear voices echoing throughout the thin walls. when i stopped at henry's door, and i hesitated to knock. why? i'm not the one in the wrong, right?

before i even knocked on the door, my attention was taken away by a dirty blonde who was walking down the hallway with groceries in his hand.

"eve?" henry asked, gripping onto the paper grocery bags. i looked him up and down and noticed he was wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"i- uh. laundry." i said, pointing to the laundry basket full of henry's folded clothes.

"oh, thank you so much." henry thanked, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. i slightly pulled away when he leaned in for a kiss, and unfortunately, he noticed.

"hey, are you okay?" henry squinted his eyes, trying his best to understand. he played with the collar of his shirt, nervous for my response.

"i know about you and lilian." i blurted out, and his eyes go wide open. "and before you say your bullshit, i'm done."

i drop the i.d card on the floor, and start to walk away until i realize i left my basket. i grab the basket and throw all of his clothes onto the floor and then begin leaving the building. i ignored henry's constant pleas, and got into my car. i watched as henry stood in the street, giving me the most horrifying glare i've ever witnessed.

when i left, i knew what i had to do. i took out my phone and put in lilian's number. it took only four rings for her to finally pick up.

"lilian, i want the job in quantico."

authors note

first chapter of the book! i'm so excited to be writing this story. please let me know how you feel about it!

lots of love,

-avery x

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