"You'll find out soon enough" The teachered huffed out with no emotion.

The class made their way to the training rooms and got changed. Izuku was happy to shed out of uniform and getting some more comfortable clothes. He even had a new shirt thanks to Garou after he found out his old one was torched. The class left the school grounds to find a bus waiting for them. Ilda took charge as being class Rep and started whistling for everyone go get into a dingle file line, only to be disappointed that people just started getting on the bus and sitting were ever.

"So Izuku how is it being quirkless?" Asked Sero. Mina slapped him on the head for asking such a inconsiderate question and said "what I think Sero means is had your life been hard without having a quirk?"

"Oh my life has been a living hell" izuku said with a laugh.

"Then how did you get so strong ribbit?" Tsu chimed in.

"Oh uhm. I just got tired of being picked on so I started training and busking up muscle"

"What about that blue steam that follows behind your hands? Questioned Sero.

"It's just a martial arts technique I studied up on a little bit" explained Izuku.

"That's one hell of a technique" Kirishima said under his breath.

Their conversation got cut short though when Aizawa spoke up.

"Alright we're here. Everyone off the bus and wait for directions. "

The entire class got out of the bus to be met by the pro hero Thirteen. The pro started to explain to the students about how quirks can be used in a variety of ways and how they can be deadly if used incorrectly. He also explained the large building behind him was USJ. A special building designed for rescues training. Thirteen led the kids into building all while explaining the different areas around them.

"Wow this place is huge" exclaimed Uraraka.

"I know it's so cool!" Replied Kaminari.

The class kept talking about how cool everything was that they didn't even notice a purple mist spreading out down the steps below. The mist kept spreading growing larger and larger until it stopped. As soon as the mist stopped moving people starting coming out of it, around 150 people. It was a variety of people, some looked like average people, some had masks on, and in the back a man with hands covering his body stood next to a large bird like creature that wasn't anything like anyone had seen before.

"Woah they even have fake villains" cheered Kaminari.

Aizawa shot his head in the direction of the skit to see what Kaminari meant by fake villains. 

"Those aren't fake these are real villains. Thirteen protect the students and I'll handle them" Aizawa called putting as he pulled his glasses up to cover his eyes.

"But Mr. Aizawa you don't usually fight large groups" Midoriya yelled as he ran up to his teacher.

"I wouldn't be much of a hero if I didn't have a few tricks up my sleeve kid" Said Aizawa as he kept down the stairs into the pit of villains below. The class watched as Their teacher completely wiped the floor with the enemy and started cheering him on. Not noticing the black mist growing behind them.

"Ah class 1-A it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Kurogiri and from what I can see the symbol of piece ain't here like we thought he would be. But don't worry after we kill some of you I'm sure he'll come to save the day. It's my job to put that in motion by spreading you out across the facility" Kurogiri said as his fog quickly shot around the entire class, pulling them in until all they could see was darkness's

Izuku hit the ground with a thud and looked around to see where he was. It looked like he was in a forest type area with Todoroki. As soon as the two got up and dusted them selves off villains starting emerging from the tree line.

"I got half and you got half?" Izuku asked.

"Sure" Todoroki replied.

Izuku and Todoroki starting making their way though the villains like it was nothing. I wonder why they put two of the best right next to each other Izuku thought as he broke a villains leg. The two we're doing fine until out of the corner of Izukus eye he saw a man holding what looked like a gatling gun appear out of the darkness.

"TODOROKI WATCH OUT" Izuku yelled but it was too late. The man with gun fired off a couple of shots towards the two, one piercing Todorokis right arm. Izuku ran over to him and starting applying pressure to the wound to try and stop the bleeding but The ice user waved him off and allowed ice to grow on his arm temporarily close the wound.

"Can you fight?" Asked Izuku.

"I can't use my left side, I have to concentrate on freezing the bullet wound" replied Todoroki

Izuku knew what that meant. He had to fight off all the villains on his own. The thought caused a smirk to grow on his face.

"Why are you smiling kid?" asked the man with the gun.

"Because your villains. Meaning I don't have to hold back"

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz