In the past, I have seen him train many times, and yet every time he leaves me breathless. There is something in him while he trains that fascinates me... The concentration he puts in it, the way his body moves, the confidence in his actions.

And it's wrong. Very wrong.
I shouldn't be looking at him like a stockfish, I shouldn't even think of him like this... Just like I shouldn't dream about having sex with him.
But most of all, I shouldn't give it all that importance, for God's sake... I'm about to marry the perfect man and I get lost staring at the guy who broke my heart.

I need to grow a backbone. Now.

Maybe this friendship can't work. Maybe it was all a mistake. Maybe I should have left things as they were.

Sometimes I wish Thomas was a little more jealous, a little more possessive. I mean... I would never let him stay a week in the same house as the girl he loved. Although I trust him blindly, there's a limit... Maybe it's a test? Does he want to see if I really don't feel anything for Harry anymore?

I mean... I don't have feelings for Harry, but he's still a good-looking guy... and eyes are meant to look, right?

I shake my head, silently laughing at myself... I'm going crazy, this is the only plausible explanation, the stress of work and marriage is getting to me.

I love Thomas, that's for sure, and I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. I don't even know why I'm making such a fuss over a stupid dream.

"Elle! Finally, took you long enough." Harry's voice startles me as he leans on his knees to catch his breath.

I approach them, giving Ben a gentle smile "Yeah, sorry... I'm Noelle, but everyone calls me Nonó" I stick out my hand and Ben shakes it, smiling brightly.

"Ben, nice to meet you. H told me you'll train with us today".

"So it seems. But I gotta warn you, I don't practice as often as Harry, I just box once in a while and run"

"Okay, well... let's see how you do with a couple of combinations and series, shall we?" he asks and I nod "I brought you some gloves that should fit you and some cotton wraps. Harry told me you burned your hand a few days ago, can you do it or it hurts?" he adds, going to a duffel bag and pulling out the necessary.

"I can do it" I answer and then I look at Harry "You had it all planned, right? It's not an idea you had this morning".

He gives a sly smile, standing up "I have the whole day planned for us. It's your last day here, I just want you to relax and have fun"

I frown, a chill running down my spine. So much for putting distance between us. "Don't you have work to do?"

He shakes his head, taking off his gloves so he can drink. "Free day. I thought it would be nice to spend a day together, do things... Don't you want to?" he sounds almost sad as he speaks like my question set him off and ruined his plan when I didn't have the reaction he was hoping for.

"Of course" I reply giving him a warm smile, not able to bear his sad eyes and pouty lips.

So much for growing a backbone, Noelle.

"Here" Ben calls me, handing me the gloves and wraps "Harry, why don't you start lifting some weights?"

Sitting on the ground I start to wrap my hands, struggling with the burnt hand.

"Oh, no way... I want to see this. I want to see if she's as good as she said" Harry replies, seating next to me and helping out.

Ben lets out a sigh but decides not to argue with his client. At first, it would be useless, when Harry puts a thing in his head no one moves him.

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