A Surprise Visit

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Abe jumped off his horse, yawned, and stretched. It had been a long ride from Setauket, four horses and a boat

Was it worth it? Yes. 

Thoughts chased each other in his head. 

If for nothing more than Caleb's laughter, Ben's chuckle, and Mary's smile while she shook her head. And Anna. A teasing slap from Anna. I can't wait, he thought. He took a deep breath. Inhale, exhale.

He walked over to the enormous building nearby. Geez! How much room does this man need? Abe came toward a guard standing by the door.

"Hello," Abe said, "May I go in and see 'Lord' Simcoe?"

"Yes," the guard answered, "But try not to be sarcastic about his title. He is usually in many

meetings so this is a treat for a common-" He paused, "What is your profession?"

"Cabbage farmer."

"A common cabbage farmer then. Go on. His office is at the end of the left hall."

Abe thanked the guard and went onto the walk leading to the front door. He surveyed the building.

 It was brick with a white wrought-iron balcony high above the street. Abe walked forward and opened the heavy oak door. 

It opened with a cr-e-e-a-a-k. He walked into the candlelit foyer. He looked around the room, and the war guns and swords hung up around the room. Ugh. Is he any better? Abe hoped so.

He started down the carpeted hallway, and came to a light-oak door. A plaque on the door said: Office of Lord John Graves Simcoe. If he's this pompous, could he be worse than Captain Simcoe? Probably not, but I still shouldn't have taken this dare, Abe thought. Caleb, Ben, and Anna had dared him to visit Simcoe now that the war was done and Simcoe was now in Canada.

He knocked on the door.

A high-pitched voice said, "Come in." Abe opened the door and walked in. He saw Simcoe. Simcoe nearly jumped out of his seat.

"W-wha-what are you doing here?" Simcoe questioned.

"Visiting. How have you been?"

"Y-you think to come here? After what you did?" Simcoe's voice was rising with anger.

"Yes. What's life in Canada like? Killed anyone since you've been here?"

Simcoe regained his usual calm composure and said, with a twinge of anger and annoyance, "Maybe. What do you need?"

"To discuss things," Abe replied.

"What kind of things?"

"Why you tried to kill me. While I was in UNIFORM!!" the farmer exclaimed.

"Oh, didn't I make that obvious, Samuel Culper? You were a spy. Now, good day, Culper. Travel safe!"

"Oh, you made it quite clear. I just wanted to discuss it in a civil manner. And my name is Abraham Woodhull."

Simcoe picked up a curved dagger. "Farmer Woodhull, then. Now leave before I run you through with this blade."

"Fine. And have fun with no Anna Strong to attempt to seduce with your poetry." He angrily grabbed his dagger and jumped to his feet.

"Good day, Farmer Woodhull." He came out from behind his desk and and came toward Abe. Abe raised his hands and backed away.

"Wait, wait! I'll leave." Abe slowly backed towards the door as Simcoe strode towards him with his dagger raised.

"Travel safe!"

Abe left the building in a rush. As he got on his brown stallion, he wondered if it was really worth it after all, if Caleb and Ben would be laughing now.

A Surprise VisitWhere stories live. Discover now