Opposite attract...if the opposite doesn't hate your guts...

22 1 0

Great just great! The boy she annoyed is now her roommate, JUST GREAT!

Annie took extra time walking to room 23 however that wasn't really effective because room 23 was three doors away from the staircase.

She tucked away Zaniel's card into her jacket pocket and pulled out her room card, she slowly swiped her card in the slot and the door creaked open. Inside she could see a medium sided room with two desks on it: a fluffy rug, a door on the right side of the room that had a label with the name Zaniel on it and a huge window that showed Zaniel's shadow.

"As soon as he sees me he's gonna flip!" Annie thought to herself,

" maybe if I just sneak in he won't notice me,"

she tiptoed into the room slowly pushing the door open just to be welcomed with a bucket of water that fell on her head.

"Wow, I didn't think that would actually work!"

Zaniel shouted to himself in laughter has he spun around in his chair facing Annie,

"oh...your that one girl who took forever to open the damn gate aren't ya?" He ask her.

She wanted to answer his question with a firm voice and give him back his card with confidence, but her shyness kicked in last minute,

"y-yea," she replied,

"stupid stupid stupid!!!" She thought to herself,

" anyway here's your card, you dropped it," she managed to say firmly as she handed the card to him,

"YOU THEIF!" He shouted at her,

"hey I didn't steal anything YOU DROPPED THIS!" She shouted back at him.

He stayed silent, spun back around to face the window and just stared at his desk. Annie was confused on why he didn't argue back, she then picked up her stuff lying on the wall next to the door and took it to the room on the left which had a label with her name on it.

The walls were a nice periwinkle colour, the decorations looked like an enchanted garden and the bed was so neatly done, only angels can do folds as perfect as it was set up,

"wow it's set up just like a hotel!" Annie thought to herself as she began to unpack her stuff.

Though without warning Annie started to feel uncomfortable, she had a feeling of deep sadness, it struck a little before when Zaniel shouted at her but she didn't think it would be a big deal, but now it feels like it's getting worse. Annie felt waves of melancholy as she put away her clothes, she really didn't like the feeling as it made her think back to her slip ups before she got into the school, the hall and the dorm rooms plus how embarrassing all of it was

"maybe a little walk will make me feel better," she softly told herself.

She stopped taking clothes out of her bag, got up and walked towards the door, she thought a walk around campus should shake off the feeling. Before she could make it to the main dorm door Zaniel called her back,

"hey kid, Annie was it?!" He asked across the room,

Annie slowly did a 180 to face Zaniel and took two steps forward,

"yes?" She replied almost showing no emotion in her words nor her face,

"I just need to ask you something, if you don't mind" he told her,

this snapped Annie back to reality, she was shocked to hear him even talk to her after she shouted at him,

"why did you take so long just to open a gate? Are you that weak?" He asked her,

Annie was shocked and disgusted at the same time when she heard the word weak,

" were you waiting for a stronger person to move the gate? Ooooh that's why you were gripping onto your bags so tightly, poor thing you must of busted a muscle moving that big heavy thing,"

Annie has a feeling Zaniel was making fun out of her, words cannot describe how much she wanted to punch him in the face, but since that would be considered as violence she just walked up to him and slapped him as hard has she could. He fell silent again but this time he was smiling slightly. He took off Annie's hand from his face, got up and punched her.

"Hey, isn't that against school rules?" Annie asked angrily
"It is" he replied, "but you have no right to slap my face!" He shouted at her.

Annie was confused for a moment. She has known many other boys who have shouted louder than that, even her friends can top that. It seems as if he is calm shouting at her or something.
He turned around, pushed the chair back to his desk and held the side of his face. Annie could hear him murmuring about his face but she couldn't figure out what. Then a stitch flung off of his face and onto his desk, Zaniel quickly got up from his desk holding his left cheek with both hands, Annie could hear how much pain he was in by the sounds he was making.

"I think I slightly busted his face," Annie thought to herself.

He jogged up to her, "do the school a favour and leave," he whispered, then he took his room card from the mini table near the door and took off.

Annie thought about if she should report him about what he said, only problem was that she didn't know how, she had no evidence and she doesn't know who to report it to. But because of her actions she slapped a stitch off the Zaniel's face and made him more mad at her than he ever was.

This day wasn't getting any better for her.

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