Soon, you saw something that chilled you.

Niko was held in place with flesh. Her arms, legs, and torso was stuck, and it was slowly eating her alive.

Blood was visible, but she didn't seem too hurt.

You and her made eye contact, making her eyes widen as she moved her gaze to what was in front of you.


She mouthed something to you.

'Don't move any closer.'

You slightly nodded, standing completely still.

This is it. The fight of my life.

Muzan was effortlessly swinging his arms in front of him, trying to hit something.

Someone must be here. They beat me here... this is not going to be pretty.

You steadied your breathing, calming down your heart.

"You're buying time... waiting for the sun? The light won't reach into this fortress. Can you really manage with just four pillars?" Muzan asked.

Your breathing hitched.


"The Pillar in the striped haori and the woman pillar already...  seem to have been killed by my subordinate, you know?"

No way... Obanai and Mitsuri don't just die like that.

"Really, now? I don't believe they'd die just like that," you said.

Muzan snapped his head around, eyeing you a bit.

"So, you really are a demon? I don't need to turn you into one," he said, amused.

"Dammit, (Y/N)!! Why don't you ever keep your mouth shut?!" Niko groaned.

You smiled as you walked up to Muzan.

"It's been a while. How long... hm? Maybe it was that one time when you slashed the back of that man's neck, right?" Your grin widened when he didn't attack you.

"Wasn't that fun? I sure bet you enjoyed that look of terror on my face because that's the last time you'll ever see it."

You walked in front of him, spotting Giyuu and Tanjirou.

Ah- I should've guessed.

"I'm afraid of you anymore. Actually, I'm sure the tables have... turned~" you giggled.

"I know you're afraid of me aren't you?" You asked.

He grew pissed and flicked his arm, but you dodged it, landing beside the two that were speechless.

A few moments of silence passed and you continued to tease him.

"Cat's got your tounge, Kibutsuji?"

Giyuu put a hand on your shoulder to shut you up.

"Be quiet. I think you've angered him enough," he whispered.

Muzan started attacking the three of you again.

"Tanjirou, be careful! I know your eye's been stabbed!" You yelled, grabbing your sword and jumping away.

Niko was still trying to get out, but the flesh bit into her skin a little harder.

You got close to him, but you didn't pull your sword out.

Music - Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) X Reader X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now