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{ Eliza }


𝕰liza paused her conversation with her eldest brother, Perseus, as the pair watched their two youngest siblings come back into the courtyard.

The youngest of the Bare siblings, Evin, was covered from head to toe in mud, leading his unruly horse behind him with a frown. Following behind him, and laughing all the while, was the next eldest in the brood, Cayden.

"Why do I feel an argument coming on?" Eliza asked her eldest brother, looking back at the man, who was trying desperately to hide his smile. It was not working.

"Maybe we should stop that?" Perseus asked, both of them watching as Cayden dismounted and continued to laugh at his younger brother. "You sort out Evin and I shall deal with Cayden?"

"For sure, he listens to you more than me," Eliza began to descend the stares, rolling her eyes at the thought.

"That's because he loves his older brother more,"

"No, it's actually because you two share the same headstrong and annoying personality," The elder man shot her a look, placing a hand over his heart as he glared at her.

"Do not act like you don't also share that personality," Eliza hummed, stepping onto the muddy floor and glaring at Cayden.

"Cayden!" The boy stiffened, turning around to catch a glimpse of his two older siblings, a sheepish grin growing on his face. He knew that he did not want to be on the end of either of their scoldings. "Perseus will deal with you. Evin, darling, what happened?"

Perseus steered Cayden away, as Eliza reached up to grab the reins of the frisky horse next to the smaller boy, quickly handing it to a waiting stable hand. Evin huffed, crossing his arms as Eliza sighed and bent down in front of him to push his dark hair away from his face.

"Did you fall off?" He nodded, and Eliza smiled, reaching for his hand. "I see. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

"Alright," She smiled at his quiet words, leading him back into the stone walls of their home. A wave of warmth swept over them as they stepped inside, and Eliza smiled at the sight of Perseus arguing with Cayden. She guessed that it was something to do with having a bath after his ride, Cayden was not too fond of those.

"Liz!" She turned, looking away from the commotion to face the last member of her siblings. Anceron was only a year or two younger than Perseus, and had not yet reached the same level of maturity as the older boy had. 

Gloria ────── R. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now