Part 2

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Anne and Gilbert walked back to his house, hand in hand, and talking about their college lives as well as their lives at home. As they approached his home, they over heard the wailing of little Delphine. They looked at each other and they rushed towards the front door. Once they stepped in, they saw Bash's mother holding Delphine, tears streaming down her large, brown eyes. The little baby sniffled.

"Oh, Master Gilbert, you're home early!" Gilbert set down the picnic basket he was holding. He and Anne removed their hats.

"Is everything alright?" Anne asked softly. Mrs. LaCroix shook her head.

"I had been polishing the silverware earlier and Delphine had been on the floor. She's beginning to walk, but she had walked right into a shelf, and some books fell onto her head." She sighed and set Delphine in her crib. "I had to go to the market for a while now, but Delphine hasn't stopped crying and I didn't want to bring her along and bring more attention to us than I do already. And Sebastian went with Elijah to Charlottetown to settle matters with some Jolene Berries for the apple export." Gilbert glanced at Anne, confused.

"Josephine Berry, Diana's aunt." Gilbert nodded his head.

"Don't worry, Mrs. LaCroix," Gilbert said, "you go ahead to the market. Anne and I will take care of Delphine." Sebastian's mother smiled.

"Thank you so much, Master Gilbert." She hurried out of the kitchen.

"Would you like me to accompany you, Mrs. LaCroix?" Anne offered. "I wouldn't mind in the slightest." Mrs. LaCroix reappeared, hat on and gloves and purse in hand.

"No, no, I'll be just fine. Just please, take care of my granddaughter." She smiled at Anne and Gilbert, opened the door, and left. Delphine continued to cry.

"I'm going to get a nappy from Bash's room. Maybe that's what she needs." Gilbert said to Anne. "I'll be back in a moment." Gilbert made his way out of the kitchen and walked over to Bash's room to get a nappy. That's when he heard the crying subside. Confused, he walked back towards the kitchen, but stopped near the doorframe as soon as he heard Anne's voice. He leaned against the wall and listened to what she was saying.

"It's alright, it's alright." He peeked in and saw Anne, cradling little Delphine, and walking around the kitchen, rocking her slowly. "You know, one time your Uncle Gilbert hit his head once. Well, not in the way you did. It was of my doing." Gilbert suppressed a laugh. "It was one of my first days at the Avonlea Schoolhouse," Anne recalled, "I had met Gilbert a day before, but at the time, I wasn't permitted to interact with him on account of Ruby's feelings for him." Gilbert raised an eyebrow. "But Gilbert, the... relentless boy he was, did everything he could to get my attention. And at one point," Gilbert smiled, "he placed an apple on my desk, and called me 'carrots,'" Anne said, disappointment in her voice.. But Delphine giggled. Gilbert peered in and saw that Anne had sat down on the table and Delly's small hands tugged gently at Anne's red curls.

"That's when I took my slate and whacked him on the head, just like that shelf did to you, little one. But I don't think your head cracked the shelf." Gilbert let out a laugh and came into the kitchen. Anne looked surprised, unaware he had been listening to her conversation with Delphine.

"Are you denouncing me as a hard headed dunce?" Anne giggled.

"I don't know. Am I, Delly?" Anne glanced down at the now smiling baby in her arms. Delly let out a giggle. Gilbert smiled ever so softly, but he felt his heart fill up with all the love he had for Anne. Anne, his Anne with an E. Gregarious, bright, daring, passionate, and... beautiful. Just watching her with Delphine made him love her even more. He sat down in a chair across from Anne. He placed a hand on her cheek and brought her in for a kiss. Delphine let out a squeal, still on Anne's lap. Anne and Gilbert laughed. Anne placed Delphine in her crib with a toy.

"Anne, really," Gilbert said. He took her hands. "Do you really see me as hard headed?" Anne looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Just once." Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed.

"When?" Anne laughed.

"The night at the Ruins, where you gave me all of-"

"30 seconds to make a life changing decision, I know, I know." Anne laughed.

"Yes, that night. First of all, I was highly intoxicated so how could I have possibly given you a proper answer? Second, the word 'pirate' does not mean no so for you to-" Gilbert cut her off by pulling her towards him and pressing Anne's lips to his. Anne was startled, but her eyes fluttered shut as she kissed him back and brought her hands to Gilbert's hair, where she twirled his thick, dark curls. between her fingers. Gilbert broke the kiss apart.

"I'll admit I was very hard headed that, night. But at least I got something great out of that entire situation." Now it was Anne's turn to look confused.

"What?" Gilbert chuckled and brushed a strand of Anne's fiery hair away from her ocean blue eyes.

"You." Anne smiled and leaned in for another kiss, but was shortly interrupted by the sharp squeal of little Delly and the smelly odor of a present the baby left for them in her nappy. She grinned, showing off her teething gums mischievously. Anne laughed and Gilbert sighed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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