Chapter 12

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Sasha pov

Doctor: that pain was Braxton Hicks contractions. Since you're having twins it's coming early. It helps you body prepare for there birth.

Sasha: thank you god.

Shay: thank you.

I feel the girls moving.

Sasha: when can we leave?

Doctor: I'll get you papers.

2 hours later

We walk into the house our family comes over to us.

Ash: here sit.

I sit on the couch.

Mom: so what happened?

Sasha: I'm fine the girls are fine.

I'm actually really embarrassed cause I was like screaming.

Shay: she had-

Sasha: Shay!

He looks at me.

Shay: what?

Sasha: shut up please for once.

Shay: baby it's family.

Sasha: my foot will be your asses family.

Ash: fucking say it!

Shay: it was Braxton and Hicks contraction.

Precious: so early?

Sasha: he said that since it's twins my body is getting ready earlier.

Mom: wait so does that mean you can go into early labour?

Shay: maybe but we knew that.

Sasha: yeah.

Precious: maybe we should stay till the girls come.

Sasha: no!

Mom: why?

Shay: baby may-

Sasha: we love you guys it's just we need our privacy and space till we have the girls. The week of the girls coming you guys can come.

Precious: what if you go into labour early and we miss it?

Sasha: you won't.

Mom: I'm staying Sasha.

Sasha: mom please.

Mom: honey you need me.

Sasha: mom please shay and I need privacy!

Mom: I'm not risking losing you! If you go in early labour you could die!! I'm not risking losing you and never saying goodbye!!

Sasha: mom I don't need you to protect me anymore!! I'm about to have my own kids!! I can't have you here 24/7!

Shay: guys why don't we-

Mom: fine then I'll leave!

Sasha: finally!!

She gets up and goes upstairs. I hear the door slam. I sigh and lean back on the couch.

Dad: Sasha I know right now is a stressful time but she's your mother. All she ever wanted was for you to be happy and safe. You are her only child she loves you. You are the only person who can give her grandchildren.

Right in front of you (Sashay)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz