Although she didn't make a fortune, her aura did not lose traffic stars, which he never expected. 

    After a few words of greeting, Qi Hongcheng took Chi Ying to the audition room, and there were many judges and teachers. 

    Chi Ying bowed and handed them the resume. 

    The people in the photo are so beautiful and eclipsing the bones, they are totally wrong with the second woman. 

    But when Qi Hongcheng looked up and looked at her, she couldn't help but sigh. 

    For Chi Ying's beautiful facial features, exquisite makeup can change the temperament. 

    Chi Ying quickly entered the state. 

    If Qi Hongcheng had a chance before this, but at this moment, they all disappeared. 

    The woman was pale and thin, her eyes full of water, and there seemed to be tears flowing.

    His eyes were pale red, and he was about to cry, so touching. 

    Losing the grace and grace of self-introduction at the previous moment, as a character, she raised her hands and throws herself in the room, and all appeared timid and helpless everywhere. 

    The script gradually progressed, and the tears in his eyes almost came out in a flash, rolling down. 


    An exclamation sounded in the four seats. 

    Qi Hongcheng has mixed feelings. 

    Staring at the pale and haggard Chi Ying in the audition room, Lu Jingyan's heart was as painful as a boulder blow. 

    Instantly the lips lost blood, and the frontal horns froze cold sweat. 

    It was exactly the same as his dream last night. 

    Lu Jingyan has always been in good health. He never neglects his fitness career even when he is busy. Wu Qing's face flickered for a moment, his thin lips tightened, and Jiang Chong was at a loss for a while. After a while, he spit out a sentence: "Mr. Lu ... Are you okay?" 

    Lu Jingyan's voice was hoarse, "It's okay." 

    Chi Ying was sent away Qi Hongcheng sat paralyzed in the office. 

    Thoughts were empty, Lu Jingyan's phone followed. 

    "Mr. Lu ..." Qi Hongcheng was cold and sweating, "The audition is over, and we are conducting the final assessment." 

    He was indeed hesitating. 

    But the lever in his mind has been biased towards Chi Ying. 

    Lu Jingyan's voice was extremely low: "Are you hesitating?" 

    Qi Hongcheng dare not speak out silently. 

    "You do not think twice to my face." Lu Jing Yan alienated tone of indifference, "As a director, you should know better than I, you need to choose the most appropriate actor." 

    Qi Hong Cheng Sixu thousands. 

    Lu Jingyan is a capitalist. 

    Rarely know how to use emotions, but regret losing your fingers.

    From the beginning to the end, from Lu Jingyan's tone, he could not hear how familiar he was with Chi Ying. 

    Qi Hongcheng remembered the call a few days ago, Lu Jingyan's voice was extremely cold, one did not need a hostess, the other did not need special care, and did not show half of the hope that Chi Ying appeared in the role. 

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