I notice a burn scar on his face, surrounding his right eye. I can't believe how soft the burned area looks, and want to touch it.

Wetness in my hands snaps my attention back to my marionette. They're melting, and I frown, before re-freezing my creation.

I make them bow at the boy, who's mouth twitches again. Then he frowns in concentration, and using his left hand, he makes a crude little humanoid statue. Picking it up, he tips it's head towards me- making it bow back.

I grin, and he smiles- timidly, but a real smile this time. I hum happily, swinging my feet and making my marionette twirl and hop.

The boy eventually looks away, but I keep dancing my marionette across my lap.

A little girl is watching me over a man's shoulder. Her eyes are wide. As the train stops at the place I need to get off, I stand and pass the doll to the girl.

Her eyes shine, and she cradles the marionette in her palms in an awkward way. As I turn to go, I realize that she was hiding it from the man in the mask next to her, but I think no more of it as I skip out of the train and towards my new school.


"Watch out!"


My face's trip to meet the ground stops abruptly. I open my eyes and realize that the brunette I crashed into used her quirk to keep me from faceplanting on the cement.

"Are you okay?" the girl squeals, bouncing on her toes, her hands pressed together as if in prayer. "Normally I ask before I use my quirk on someone, but I figured you wouldn't mind very much."

I laugh. "I don't mind at all. Thank you very much for your help."

The girl pulls apart her steepled hands, and I drop from about six inches up onto my knees, which doesn't hurt nearly as bad as what would have happened if this girl hadn't saved me.

I study her.

She has round, honey-brown eyes, rosy cheeks, and brown hair that stops around her shoulders. Her face is pretty, and I can tell she smiles a lot.

"You're very pretty," I tell her. "Your eyes are especially warm and beautiful."

"Awww!" she squeals happily, cheeks turning even pinker. "Thanks, you made my day! You're so sweet and kind. I'm Ochaco Uraraka," she tells me.

"I'm Rin Kakeo."

"Nice to meet you," Uraraka beams.

"I know we just met, but can I give you a nickname?" I ask, and she claps her hands eagerly.

"Yes, please; I'd love that! I can already tell we're going to be best friends, and it's perfectly normal for besties to have nicknames for each other, so go right ahead!"

The prospect of a best friend sounds too good to be true, but I allow myself another flicker of hope.

"I'm thinking I'll call you Birdie-chan. Either that or Bubbles."

Uraraka laughs. "I like Birdie-chan. And I'll call you..." She pauses. "Oh! I'll call you Ami-chan because you're so sweet!"

I grin. "I love it. C'mon Birdie-chan; we need to get inside. We don't want to be late on our first day!"

We run hand in hand up the stairs, giggling with trepidation- happy nerves. I can't wait to get started living my new, exciting, and slightly terrifying life.

Lucky for me, my new bestie has been going to school her whole life. She fills me in on the basics as we climb the steps of UA.

"It's all so big!" I squeak, and Uraraka laughs. "Seriously!" I say. "My school was my bedroom, occasionally the living room, and the gym we had in the basement. And you mean to tell me that there are three different rooms for the same class?"

"Yup. Oh, c'mon, homeroom is this way."

Uraraka drags me through the halls, pointing out landmarks like washrooms, the cafeteria, etc.

We stop 10 yards away from the door to class 1-A. The door is open, and we can hear voices coming from inside. Maybe the voices of future friends. "Well," says Uraraka. "This is it."

I suck in a breath and turn to Uraraka, bouncing on my toes. "I'm so excited! Or maybe nervous. But excited! Definitely excited."

We laugh and Uraraka links her arm through mine. "C'mon Ami-chan! First day of high school, here we come!!"

With that, my new best friend drags me full-speed down the hall and into my new life. I laugh, and don't tell her to slow down.

~~~A longer chapter as promised, angel food cakes! Yay me for keeping up with this!

Not much to say about this chapter, althoug I'm considdering making the girl on the train importiant.

Help me decide; comment yes for making her importiant. 10 yeses means she's importiant.

Bye for now. Plus Ultra!~~~

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