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some - soyou & junggigo.
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"are these types of settings your thing?" jaemin asked, looking over at jeno, who kept his head low and slowly nodded. he asked one more time just to be sure, and got the same response.

summer break had finally come, and although jeno did miss the last few weeks of the year, nobody made a problem out of it. the annual fair in the city had opened up to celebrate, and like usual people where everywhere. the older's bruises and face injuries were beginning to heal nicely, as it had only been a few days since he came home like that. and during those days, jaemin made an effort to check up on jeno daily to see how he was doing. if he was late, he did it anyway. if he was early, he did it anyway. if he was somewhere in between, he did it anyway.

the thing was that jeno would barely ever reply to him with words. he would mainly use his body language. nodding his head, shaking his head, shrugging his shoulders. he only ever used words to quietly and sheepishly thank jaemin when he asked, and apologize. the younger understood jeno was acting like this because he felt guilty and undeserving of jaemin's help and attention, which he was.

but jaemin simply didn't worry about that. he knew jeno's head had been messed with, he knew he was hurting, hurting with a pain that only grew worse and worse that it shattered him entirely from the inside out. that was exactly what jeno was; shattered. it was very adamant that the older had no idea of where to start picking all the pieces of himself back up, to heal, and jaemin simply wanted to help. jeno was a poor soul that had been suffering internally for way too long, in dire need to recover.

both of their mothers suggested they go have fun at the festival and get to know each other a little more. and since neither woman had a single clue about the past their sons have shared, they agreed to go. the boys walked, and while they did jeno made sure not to get in the younger's way at all, touch him, or bother him with talking. he wasn't really in the mood to speak anyway, he hadn't been in a long time.

the festival and its music and its lights were all dazzling, and it was what made jeno finally lift his head to after keeping it hanging low this entire time. jaemin stole glances at him from time to time, just to see if he was okay, even though he knew he wasn't. the younger couldn't help but smile when jeno ultimately looked up, and to try to keep the energy going he linked his arm underneath the older's. jeno made another reaction by turning to look at jaemin for the first time that afternoon and going into the evening, which made him smile yet again.

"let's play some games!" the younger exclaimed excitedly, already walking with jeno to the nearest booth he could see that had plushies as awards. his goofy mood and pretty smile caused jeno to actual start feeling his own form on his lips. he never got that way before, but he guessed that jaemin's smile was just too contagious. he got to jeno faster than anything and everything, and he knew it well. the two were now standing in front of a ring toss game, the petite woman running it giving them a sweet smile and five rings. "we get five chances, do you want to go first?" the younger asked, beaming when jeno actually nodded. he expected the boy to just hang back and watch him.

-ˏˋ YOU ARE BAD ˎˊ-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя