"yes omoni," we replied with a smile.

"omo, such good-looking teenagers. you guys really remind me of my younger age," she patted my shoulder, examining all of our faces.

"omma, they're eating here today." wooyoung poked her waist, gaining her attention.

"really? pick whatever you like, dear. my treat," wooyoung's mum smiled warmly. somehow she reminds me of mum.

"let them pay for themselves," wooyoung joked and once again he received a pinch on the ear.

"it's my bakery, i'll do whatever i want. go make some drinks for them!"

it was so funny to see wooyoung getting scolded by his mum. three of us were hesitate to declined mrs jung's offer.

"it's okay, omoni. it's our first time coming to here, we'll pay for the things." eun politely said.

mrs jung patted her shoulder, "don't let wooyoung ruined the fun, just have whatever you want kids."

i see where wooyoung got those friendly gestures from. his indeed mom's son.

"thank you so much omoni." we bowed, thanking her for the treats.

"it's okay. it's been a while since wooyoung brought friends here," she let out a friendly laugh.

we put down our bags on a table and took a tray to pick the pastry we want. i kept reminding myself it's a treat and i shouldn't took a lot.

i ended up taking a piece of Mexican coffee bread and a slice of oreo cheesecake.

when i finished, i walked to our table but i stopped when i saw a familiar packaging of bread.

it was the bread where wooyoung gave me when i had a gastric at middle school. the reason why two of us started to become best friends.

"you still remember that?" wooyoung showed up with a tray of drinks on his hands.

i nodded, "of course. i'm really surprised that it was from your mum's bakery."

he chuckled before putting the tray on the table. "it is my favourite bread my mum ever made and still my favourite bread."

red bean fillings croissant with powdered sugar on top.

i'm not a fan of red bean back then, but wooyoung's mum bread was so good and it changed my perspective.

we both took a seat while waiting for eun and chan picking their choices. mrs jung showed up later, bringing a tray of baguette sandwiches.

she stacked them up on the section and i once again was awed by her professionalism.

it was really fast but at the same time it's still look neatand doesn't ruined the sandwiches.

"have you guys choose your pastry?" she went to our table and took a seat.

"yes, thank you for the food." three of us thanked her together.

to all the boys i've loved before | ateezWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu