He blink, then reply.

"Oh yes, she's an old friend of mine. We haven't seen each other for years so we agreed to meet here today."

"I see."

There's a silence for a moment. I could only hear my own beating heart. It's so loud that I think it might explode just like that. I've never seen anyone as cute and gentle as him before. Am I having a crush on this man I don't even know his name?

"—miss? Hello miss?"

I came back to reality.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry! I tend to get lost in my mind sometimes. What is it?"

Gosh, so embarrassing...but he still smiled at me anyway.

So gentle...

"That's okay, I find it cute though. I'm just wondering what's your name?"

Cute? Did he just say cute? To me?

"O-Oh, I'm (Name), owner of this shop. What's yours?"

"I'm Garry, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

I smiled, even his name sounded like a melody to me. Just as I was about to start another conversation, the door quickly open. Reveals a girl with brown hair and red eyes, clearly younger than me, panting. Then like a lightning flash, the rain starts to pour down.

"Welcome, miss."

She then noticed Garry sitting in front of the counter and smiled happily. Quickly make her way to sit down besides him.

"Long time no see, Garry!"

"Ib! Wow, you really have grown into a pretty young lady. How have you been? I missed you so much!"

"Hehe, I'm fine, thanks. How about you? It's been years since we last seen each other. I was so excited to meet you today!"

I let the two of them chatting, they seemed so happy to see each other. They must've been good friends. I was minding my own business until Garry suddenly called me.

"Oh right! (Name), this is Ib, my old friend. And Ib, this is (Name). She's the owner of this place."

"Nice to meet you, (Name)! Oops, I haven't ordered anything yet. I'll have hot chocolate please."

"Nice to meet you too, Ib. And certainly."

Just as I thought, today's going to be a wonderful day. I've made two friends in one day. That's a record.

When I finished making Ib her hot chocolate, I suddenly realized something and excuse myself for a moment.

"Wait here for a moment, I have a little something for two of you."

I quickly jog to the backdoor, behind it is my living area. I ran to the kitchen and bring out some macaroons I baked this morning. Then went back to the shop with a plate in my hand and set it down between them.

"Here, a macaroons I freshly baked this morning. I think it might be raining for a while, so please make yourself at home."

They both look at the macaroons as if they were a jewels especially Garry, I can literally see sparkle in his eyes. Does he have a sweet tooth? I wonder...

"Macaroons, my favorite!"

"Yay! I finally get to taste them!"

Garry stared at Ib with a shocked expression.

"You HAVEN'T taste the macaroons yet?"

She replied with an innocent smile.

"Yep, you promised we'd try it together, remember?"

"Oh Ib..."

I could've sworn I saw him blinking his tears away.

They each take one piece and pop it in thier mouths and chew. In a moment, they both beaming out a smile.

"So delicious!"

"So this is how it taste, it's great!"

I smiled at both of them, feeling happy that they liked my baking.

"Have as much as you want, I still have a lot of it."

Garry's smiled widened.

"Really? Thanks a lot, (Name)! You're the best!"

There he goes again, does he have a habit of being innocently cute like this? I can feel my face heated up already.

"Haha, no problem."

Ib then turns her attention to me.

"By the way, (Name). Where do you get that painting? It's very beautiful."

She pointed at the painting of black rose in a vase with red crimson background.

"Oh," I smiled cheekily. "I painted that myself."

Garry then spoke up.

"Really? You have a real talent! But the art style kinda reminded me of...hmm, what's his name again?"

"Like Guertena's?"

"Oh yes! Ib, like him."

I froze.

"You know about him?"

Ib and Garry exchanged looks.

"Well, yeah." Garry said. "In fact, I met Ib on his art exhibition at the museum.

"It was quite... interesting." Ib added.

"I...see. Well, I did quite look up to him. Haha."

I laughed nervously.

As we continue to chat, the rain finally stopped and the sky's become clear. Then they both tell me that they will be going somewhere else and bid their goodbyes to me.

"Bye-bye, (Name). I'll see you soon!" Said Ib.

"Bye, (Name). In fact, I'll come again tomorrow. I like it here, and I want to hang out with you more."

I can feel my face burning as I replying back.

"Sure, please come again."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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