"And...Tony? My boyfriend, Tony Woodward." I asked. If anything happened to him, I don't know what I would do.

"Ah, Tony Woodward. He... He died too. He was a criminal after the explosion. The Flash captured him and.. a couple of months later, he died."

"A-and... Hartley?"

"Hartley Rathaway? He's a criminal and he's in the custody of the Flash. "

I was in shock. I couldn't breathe. I was so scared. I had lost my boyfriend and my future brother in law and my best friend was a criminal. I lost the only people keeping me alive. The only person who told me that I was worth something and now he was gone. Tony was gone and Hartley was gone and it was my fault. I should have told Hartley to tell the crew about whatever he found out about the particle accelerator. I should have given him better advice. I should have told Tony to go see his sister out in Star City. I told him to stay for dinner that day and I killed him. I killed all three of them. If I had told Hartley to tell them whatever he found out, they would have left star labs and Ronnie wouldn't be dead, Tony wouldn't have become a criminal and died and... and Hartley would still be my nice, caring best friend.

"What about... what about Kara?" I asked, hesitantly.

"She... she was hit by a car...and the explosion... It killed her. I'm sorry honey," she whispered, sadness laced in her voice. 

I covered my mouth in a feeble attempt at masking my sobs. Tears streamed down my face. She was gone and I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't get to tell her how much I loved her. I didn't get to tell her... that she was the bestest friend that I could have asked for.

"I should... I should call your sister and...uh... and the doctors... We need to run some tests on you." Uh... no, thank you. 

"Please...don't call my sister... or the doctors... I feel fine. I can leave now. I'm okay." I muttered quickly, pulling the needles and wires out of my arms and getting out of the bed. I wiped the tears off my face while looking at the ground.

"No no, no honey I have to I-"

"PLEASE! I... I can't face my sister right now. I just want to disappear. I don't want to be here. Please understand. I have to go." I pleaded. She stared at me, obviously thinking hard.

"I don't know. It's not safe and-"

"Please?" I whispered, my eyes tearing up again. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Okay. Your clothes are on that chair. And... I'll tell them you were gone by the time I got here." she said unsurely.

I breathed out in relief.


"Thank you so much," I said quickly, grabbing the clothes and putting them on. It was a simple pair of white sneakers and black jeans with an oversized, dark green sweater, but it will do. I climbed out of the window and onto the tree next to it. I looked at the nurse and mouthed a thank you and she nodded back as I climbed down the tree. I jumped off the last branch and landed with a thud. I felt tired but I couldn't live like this. I just can't. I had nobody who cared about me and my sister probably hated me. I just wanted to die. Just like I did years ago. The people keeping me from it were gone now and it was my fault. My sister probably would be happy if I was gone.

I ran as fast as my feet would take me, the wind blowing my hair behind me. Soon I wouldn't have to feel the pain. Soon, I could do the thing I wanted to do years ago. Soon, I could be free.

I ran to my favorite spot. The bridge over the river that I loved going swimming in with Kara and Hartley. I stood at the edge and gripped the railing and inhaled the fresh breeze. The smell of the trees and the river. I closed my eyes. I leaned forward. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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