Chapter 1

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It was a bright, sunny day. I was in the car driving, thinking of what the day was holding for me. I was very excited to finally start my job as a Preschool Teacher. I've seen the building before, and it looked very big. I was able to add a whole bunch of  decorations and accessories to the room. I hope the kids will love it!

There were 8 kids who registered, and I was okay with that. Since I am the first teacher to work at this daycare, I decided to name it "Happy Face Daycare." I wanted everyone who is involved with this daycare to be happy from it. I've always had a gift for working with little kids. I loved it, and I think loving what you do is very important.

I finally arrived at the daycare, and parked in the back. I got my stuff, and left the car, making my way to the back entrance. I tuned on the lights, and looked at my daycare. A big smile entered my face. I had 30 minutes to get last minute stuff together before I can finally open the daycare. I added a few more posters, installed a night light for nap time, and wiped down some of the furniture. Finally, it was 7:00am, so I unlocked and opened the front doors.

Instead of standing in front of the door, I made sure everything was good for the kids. After a couple of minutes, I heard the front door open, and saw a mother and a little girl standing there. I walked up to them.

"Good morning! Welcome to Happy Face Daycare!" I welcomed. "My name is Ms. Lakes, and I'm looking forward to being your teacher!"

"Hi, Ms. Lakes, it's nice to finally meet you," the mother said. "Why don't you say hi?" She asked her child.

I squatted down so I was at the little girl's level. "Hello, sweetheart. What's your name?" I asked.

She thought about it for a second. "Anna," she whispered. She let her blonde hair cover her face.

"I love your name, Anna," I smiled. "Why don't you hang your book bag and lunch on a hook to my right, and then go to the rug and pick out a toy?" I suggest. Anna looked at her mom, and her mom nodded. Anna hung her book bag and lunch, then walked over to the rug.

"I'm Kristy," I introduced. "Your daughter seems really sweet," I add, while handing her a clipboard so she can sign Anna in for attendance.

"She is. I know she was excited to come here, but she was also a little scared. I understand, though. I think she will be okay," the mother explained while handing me back the clipboard. "Oh, I am Tina, by the way."

I smiled. "It was really nice meeting you! I will let you know how she is doing," I said.

"Thank you so much, Kristy. I will see you later!" Tina waves bye, and exits. I walk over to Anna.

"We are going to wait for a few more kids, okay?" I told her. She nodded.

More kids eventually showed up. I talked to the parents, and had the kids play with the toys and each other after they hung their belongings. After all of the kids were signed in, I went over to the rug.

"Good morning, everyone! Let's all clean up!" I instruct. The kids looked at me with a confused look, but they put their stuff away. They didn't put it in the right place, but I was okay with it. I will fix that during their nap time. After they put their toys away, they went back  to their spots on the rug and sat down.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Ms. Lakes, and I will be your teacher! Let's all introduce each other. Who would like to say their name first?" I ask.

It was quite for a good second. Then, a little boy with dark brown hair stood up.

"H-hi, I am John," he said.

"Hello, John! Tell me something about you," I said.

"Umm, I like doggies," he replied.

"I like dogs too! I have one at home," I said. All of the kids faces lit up. "Thank you, John! Next?"

A little African-American girl stood up. She was very pretty.

"Hi! I am Leah!" She said.

"Hello, Leah! What do you like?" I ask.

"I like bananas!" She jumped with excitement. Some of the kids said "me too" and some kids said "ew". I laughed.

"Thank you, Leah!" I said.

5 more kids introduced each other. Sarah, Alex, Nick, Chloe and Daniel. Anna stood up.

"Hi. I am Anna," she said.

"Hello, Anna! What do you enjoy?" I ask once more.

"I enjoy being in this place!" She said.

"Aw! I'm so happy you do!" I reply. All of the kids agreed. This warms my heart. I walk over to another area, when I trip on something and almost fall, but I was able to catch my balance.

"Are you okay, Ms. Lakes?!" The Kids yelled with concern in their voices.

"Yes, I'm okay! I must of tripped on a toy or-" and I stopped to look at what I tripped on.

It was nothing.

But how? I felt something on my foot that caused me to trip! It couldn't have been one of the kid's arms, could it? I decided to ignore it. I walked over to the small CD player, and inserted a kids CD. It had some common Nursery-Rhymes. "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" came on.

"Okay, everyone. Stand up!" I instruct. All of the kids stood up. "Watch me!"

I moved to the song.

"Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!"

"Come on, guys! Let's do our best!" I say.

The song repeated itself. The kids did their best, and looked like they were having a lot of fun.

Eventually, we stopped and laughed. "Okay, who wants water?" I ask. All of the kids said "me" in unison. We walked over to a water station I had set up for the kids. I have everyone a cup with water.

That was when "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" went back on and kept playing, and all of the kids were next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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