Part 2: All in the cards

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Minoka's POV:

My Grandmother hugged me once we got to the school "I'll see you later!" I nodded as she walked away towards the auditorium.

  I let out a sigh and straightened my dress before making my way to class. As I walked down hall my path was blocked by a girl my age. She wore high heels and a tailored pink dress that ended halfway between her hips and knees.

  "Hey Min!" her teal eyes shined as she smiled at me, her dark brown hair was in a braid that rested on her shoulder. "Excited to find out who your Angelic is?" 

 I let out a chuckle and smiled back "of course not! how about you Tia?" Tia has been my best friend since 3rd grade, when we were little we'd always talk about the day we'd start our real training as fates.

  "To be completely honest? I'm not either" Tia said rubbing the back of her head "But hey hopefully we get the same Angelic!" I nodded in agreement "yeah that would make things way easier!" 

  Tia smiled then grabbed my hand before dragging me towards our class room "Come on there's no time to waste!" she laughed. As we entered the class and took our seats Our teacher smiled "I hope everyone is excited! Today we'll be having you find your Angelic!"

  Murmuring spread through the class as our teacher ran through the schedule "First things first! Let's have a warm welcome to Mrs.Anay, she will be handing out the cards" 

 An older woman stood up from the teacher's desk and waved to the class, her hair was mostly grey with a few black patches spread throughout it, her eyes were the color of warm honey. "Hello everyone" she said kindly "If you're all ready let's begin"

  Mrs.Anay stood up and took out a deck of cards, walking to the first desk she fanned out the cards and offered them to the girl sitting there. The girl looked at the cards and held out her hand, slowly moving it over the deck before finally picking a card. 

  Everyone watched with a mixture of excitement and intrigue as the card changed from pure white to a royal purple. Along the edges of the card bloomed flowers and in the middle was a stained glass picture of a brown haired woman holding a net. At the bottom of the card in gold lettering was written the name 'Gemma'.

  Anay smiled "Congratulations, you shall be a fate of the Angelic Gemma!" The girl smiled widely and looked at her card. With the first card given, Anay slowly made her way down the rows of desks, congratulating each girl as she went.

  Finally she reached me and Tia. Tia went first, she focused on the cards for a few seconds before finally picking one.

   I watched intently as Tia's card turned from white to a pastel blue, crisscrossed stitching lined the edges along with star shaped glitter in the corners. In the center was a watercolor painting of a woman with red hair holding a needle with gold thread. Along the top in purple letters was the name 'Aleana'

 My friend smiled widely "Yay! I'm going to work for Aleana!" Anay nodded smiling "Congratulations!" She then turned to me "and last but not least it's your turn"

 I gulped as Anay fanned out the cards, I could feel myself beginning to sweat as I held my hand out to them. My hand was shaking as I looked at Anay. The woman gave me a warm smile "Take your time, there is no need to rush" 

 I nodded and looked back at the cards, as I moved my hand over them I could feel something tug at my heart. My hand stopped above one of the cards as the feeling got stronger, slowly I pulled out the card and looked at it.

  Anay's eyes flashed with shock as the card changed from white to a deep red. Thorn covered vines lined the edges and met with a black rose in the corners, in the center of the card stood a hooded man with a chain hung loosely on him like a sash.

 Everyone's eyes were on me when Anay inhaled sharply "It can't be..." Slowly at the bottom of the card written in thorns a name appeared. My heart dropped upon seeing it.


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