A Knight in dark Armor

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Lucile was walking home from school only to hear a battle going on with the rangers fighting a monster she runs to a place to watch. Anytime there's a battle Luciel takes time to study there moves hopefuly to one day fight with them. Suddenly Koragg is now into the battle Luciels eyes sparkle, out of any of the bad guys he is the best. thankfully they defeated the monster but Koragg wasn't easy he only fought harder. Thus they fell to him and decided to leave sparing there lives which always confused her. She sighed of relief that hes nothing like imperious or even necrolie. He was walking away would she dare to follow him to see if he returns to the underworld. Thinking back there were plenty of times Koragg could have striked her down. Now running after him into forest she keeps her distance as well. So as expected hes not going to the underworld is he looking for something? Finally he comes to a stop Lucile climbs up a small hill close by to see hes now sitting on an log as to relax. "Those rangers were close of defeating me but I was the Victor still they are getting better "he sighed. In a way his tone sounded like a compliment she smiled. Better just head to back to the rangers brushing off some dirt.Lucile starting to get up only to trip and rolls down the hill only to bump into two hidiacs. They try grabbing her but she manages to kick them only to make them mad. Using a stick she takes a good swing at them but it only works so well till one grabs it and snaps it. While the other one knocks her to the ground she winced in pain and calls out" HELP ANYBODY !!" . She covers herself with her back pack bracing herself until. "WOLF ATTACK!!!" Opening her eyes Both hidiacs get hit by Koraggs attack. He stands infront of her in a protective stance with shield and sword in hand."YOU TWO RETURN BACK THE UNDERWORLD BEFORE I DESTROY YOU"! Koragg Growls. They do not hesitate and with a dark seal both are gone now all is quiet. Koragg now turns his attention on Lucile seeing her backpack. it's design is of a wolfs head painted on the soft material with stars dancing around it. " Its obivious that satchel of yours wouldn't hold up against those demons very long" He said in a statement. Lucile was about to get up but she felt pain instead " Are you injured let me see" At first hesitant but she let him see her knee that was scraped pretty bad. Carefully he picks her up which shes panics a tiny bit " Hey koragg what are you doing " The rivers near by I take care of your injury there." He said calmly. Lucile didn't fight infact this was a new side of Koragg that shes never seen before.Coming to the river Koragg places Luciel on the soft grass slightly lifting her leg up to rest on a small rock. Her wearing shorts was a good thing knowing he can get to cleaning the knee quicker. She watched his gauntlet hands gently pouring water on the wound. A small chill came up "ee that's cold" she squeaked "perhaps boiling water would be better" Koragg questioned. Shaking her head no way made the wolf knight continue his work. Next to him was a small blue flower he snapped a couple of its buds turning it into a goopy gell. "This will stop the bleeding and the sting just hold still." Again Koragg said with a calm tone. Lucile did as she was told feeling the leather material of the glantlet and the goop on her knee. It was working to her it looked almost like the aloa Vera plant her grandma has back at the inn. Koragg still wasn't done needed something to wrap her knee he then ask" Is there something you have to use as a wrap" Lucile looks in her back pack "Oh this bandana from art class should do." She hands it to him he folds it a couple of times to make a makeshift wrap. Not to pull it to tight his work is done he ask again" Can you stand " luciell slowly gets up but starts to wobble. Koragg catches her and again sighing she doesn't have enough strength to return to the city alone.But he can't take her to the underworld and has no idea where the snow sorceress lives. His connection to the red ranger is gone plus he just defeated them in battle not to long ago. Leaving her alone and injured would not be right Lucile this time reaches out to him. A small hint of trust is rare so he carries her and begins to walk .He starts to think back of those two Hidiacs knowing he didn't sent for them. One conclusion imperious must have done it but why perhaps she seen the battle and followed him. Even Koragg wouldn't come to hurt her that would go against his honor. Not hearing a peep looks down to see that she drifted to sleep her head to his chest plate. Guess with all that happened it shouldn't surprise him she's so young. For a moment he stops to hear someone calling out for her it was the blue ranger. Alone perhaps they split up to find her, didn't take long  to run into the mermaid ranger. Maddie saw Koragg holding Luciell and was surprised her sleeping so peacefully even with the wrap on her knee. Right away she went up to Koragg and he simply handed Lucile over but wasn't easy. Lucile in her sleep tried to wrap her arms on Koraggs neck ."I don't think she wants you to go ". She smiled" Amusingly sweet as this is I must return to the underworld to deal with imperious". With a short tired grunt from the lone knight. He manages to work off the little girl into maddies arms he heard a sad grunt. Hesitantly he went to pet her head " You won't speak of this to the rest of the rangers will you ?" " I promise this between us". Koragg for some reason felt at ease with her she was the most gentle member of the group. He pets Lucile again " I promise blue ranger I will protect this child whenever I can but that doesn't mean I will be joining anytime soon." Maddie thought so still "Koragg who did attacked her then to tell my friends " It was two Hidiacs on there own course it feels like the dirty trick of imperious". "Even necroli" " possibly her as well I will deal with those two now I'm off" thankyou Koragg you know your not such a bad guy if you think about it. " Koragg simply marched off he looked back to see Lucile nuzzled to maddies neck. Funny though the feeling of her cuddled to him even her smile and refusing to leave it only amused him. What the blue ranger said made him to start thinking of himself as a good guy. With no more delays he uses a dark spell seal to return to the underworld. 

(Serenity Inn run by Luciels Grandmother located near Briarwood forrest)

 Lucile wakes up in her bed it's night time " Koragg " but looks to see he isn't around. Instead maddie comes in " He went back to the underworld and your back at the inn". Lucile rembered the touch of his gauntlet on her head she started tearing up. Maddie goes over to hug her " he s saved me maddie " I know I know he told me" for abit they stayed like that. Drying her eyes Lucile felt better " I better get some sleep huh" yeah it was quiet a day goodnight Lucile" hugged maddie. Even getting a kiss and hug from her grandma . She covers herself in her blanket hugs her pillow looks out at the full moon outside her window. She whispers "Goodnight Koragg " watching it for abit makes her tear up. Just thinking of him and all the good he did for her she missed him more . Drifting off she hears " sweet dreams pup" Koragg manages to do the whisper spell. Looking around Luciel lays back down smiling perhaps the next time they'll meet maybe they could be friends. End  

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