First Day Lunch

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When having to describe yourself you would say you are average, maybe a bit on the small side with height, but average. Middle of the pack with everything. You blend in with the crowd and honestly, that was not really a problem for you.

For example, right now, you sat at your desk, almost right in the middle of the classroom. You wanted the window seat or even one in the back rows, but the human traffic jam had delayed you entering school. So this is what you had to settle for.

It was lunch and being the first day of school, with your withdrawn personality, you had no one to sit with. But that's okay, you told yourself. You could use this time to choose after-school activities. The sheet with all the activities was placed on your desk. However, you didn't need to look at it to know what you wanted to do.

Volleyball club, you had heard that Aoba Johsia had pretty impressive teams. Teams that could rival the best in Sendai. You always had a fascination with volleyball, but never the opportunity to play at your middle school as they just didn't have a club for it. This year you had a chance, though, to finally be on the court and play an actual game.

On the sheet, next to the words 'Volleyball club' it had the date for tryouts, which was subsequently today. Although you felt as this was badly planned, it was one of the top schools in your prefecture. They might want to get to training the new members right away. You also thanked your Mother for making you pack your sports uniform just in case.

After setting a reminder on your phone to pick up some food to thank your mother, you get your own lunch for your bag. Wanting to have enough energy for this afternoon's tryouts, it would be a shame to play on a hungry stomach.

On a few floors up, the third years were catching up and making small talk, or in Oikawa's case flirting with anything female.

He may have met someone who caught his interest this morning, but she was just some first year. In no way did you have the same appeal as the girls in his grade. Oikawa had to give you some credit though, you kept popping into his head. Even now, when he was catching up the 'goddess' of the third year, there you were in the back of his mind.

Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes at Oikawa's shenanigans, throwing his empty juice box at his head before turning back to chatting with Hanamaki and Matsukawa. He wanted to have his lunch so he could go to practice. Maybe he would see that little angel again. In only a couple of hours, he had unknowingly given you such a title and even place your position above a couple of others in his heart.

Ignoring Oikawa as he squawked at him, Iwaizumi got up to leave for the gym. After saying bye to his classmates and essentially dragging Oikawa away from his Fanclub, they were on track for practice.

"Usually your the one who tells me not to work too hard, yet here you are training in both breaks, what's this about Iwa-chan?" Oikawa was not too thrilled to be hauled across the school, so he decided to tease his child-hood friend instead of helping him set up a net.

"I want to work on my spikes, and I think you need to work on your sets, you've gotten sloppy over the break." Iwaizumi suggested, trying to hit a soft spot for Oikawa. If Oikawa had found out that Iwaizumi wanted a girl to see him doing his best spike, he would never live that teasing down. But who was Oikawa? He was talented at reading people and had known Iwaizumi since they were young. He knew something was up.

"Oh ho, what's this? Iwa-chan do you perhaps want to get better? Did you get jealous of all those girls looking at me today?" Although Oikawa was indeed a genius when it came to reading his team he was, luckily for Iwaizumi, he was no mind reader.

"Shut it, Shittykawa, while you were caught up with you fan club, you missed morning practice." Imaizumi retorted, knowing if he had answered even one of his setters question it would spiral and they would get nothing done this lunch.

During morning practise the coach had pulled Iwaizumi aside, one to grill him about Oikawa's absence and two, remind him that as the vice-captain, it would require him to come to the tryouts instead of afternoon practice. He wouldn't have minded going to the try-outs if it was to pick out players, but it wasn't for some students. This was their opportunity to get close to Oikawa.

"Aish, you have never cared about my skipping practice, why does it matter now?" Oikawa whined, he had noticed how his friend changed the subject, making a slight note of it in his mind.

"You are now the captain of the team, you need to take more responsibility. The first and seconds year will look up to you," Pausing his brief lecture when he saw a slight movement at the gym doors. Iwaizumi had hoped to see you again. Unfortunately, it was only Matsu and Maki coming in for training too.

Resigning himself to not seeing you for a while, Iwaizumi, accept his fate of not having a peaceful practice. Oh, how he wished he could spend time with his little angle instead.


Hey! Hey! Hey!!

Would you look at that, two whole months after the promised realise date. I will be hopefully updating more often and with longer chapters. Plus a friend bullied me into actually editing both parts so I hope it more bearable for you guys.

Till next time, take care during the quarantine.

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