"Which ones the nicer one if we get caught?" I asked. "Believe it or not jet black hair that's one's Colin he liked me a little bit then I married James and he hates me." Alli said. "How many people did you piss off?" I asked. "Their whole family how many did you piss off marrying Lily?" She countered. I chuckled and looked up thinking, "Call it even?" I asked. "Deal." She said.

We snuck in and got to the side where it's easy to climb, "Let me climb I am light enough." Alli said. "No." Stubbins and I said. I started to climbed and tried to grab onto a statue but it broke, "I am about to die!" I called out. Alli caught my arm just in time. We got inside and I had James talk to the ants. I listened to the conversation and looked back at the siblings Alli keep a look out for any of Colin or Robin's men.

"What's your offer?" The ant asked me. "Two more now and two more later." I said holding sugar cubes to them. "Okay you have yourself a deal." He said and they picked the lock. I opened the door and looked in, "Uh we've got a problem there's bars there." Alli said. "These are new." I said. "We can fit through them we're small enough." Stubbins said. "No, no you will not this is dangerous and where you going?" I asked Alli. "To get the book." She said in a duh tone. "James follow her." I said. "She knows what to do you be look out." I said to Stubbins. He nodded and went in.

Alli's POV

"There's just one little thing the two of you should know." James said. Great now I am understanding dragon flies. "What?" I asked opening the door. I saw a lot of lions in there, "Rassouli loves his cats." I looked seeing lions and tigers all around his room.

"But that's not a problem for you because you can just fly right over......" James was saying when I gave him a look. He looked at me, "Oh I see the mistake I made here you can't fly." He said. "Nope." I said. "Stay here and don't you dare tell John I did this." I said climbing to this little bridge. I got there, "Hey oh watch out kity cat on you six." James said. I looked seeing one and got a little bit of a running start and jumped on to something that can spin to the spot I need to go to, "Sick moves there." He said. I put my bandanna up and nodded to my little brother which he did the same thing. "Aw I can't get down there." I said. "I can." He said. I nodded and snuck back to where we started, "Watch out for him." I told James.

*Skip fifteen minutes*

"James did you get the where's Tommy?" I asked seeing him but not my little brother. I went to crawl when I heard someone outside the door, "No it's just me." John said. The door opened, "Uh oh." I said and was pulled out by different looking guard. "I use to live with you guys." I said pointing at the guards of Colin and Robin. They stood us up, "Alli, Dolittle what's going to happen to us?" Tommy asked as Rassouli had him. "No clue." I said. "I do." John said.

*Skip ten minutes*
John's POV

Alli sat looking through the bars the same cell as me and her brother, "All I wanted was my daughter to marry someone with a promising future and instead I got the ringleader of a circus I never understood what Lily saw in you a common complaint the world over for fathers of beloved daughters but in this instance I think we can all agree it is particularly accurate." Rassouli said. I stood up and he was laughing, "Come here." I walked over and he got me in a head lock, "John." Alli said.

I held my hand to her saying no, "As for you." Rassouli said. "Listen I didn't intend on having James love me and wanna marry me honest." Alli said. "You ruined our future our brother was suppose to marry Lily but you fucked that up." Robin said. "Now, now Robin remember we said we'd let it go." Colin said. He smiled, "Alli come here." He said. "I am good." Alli said.

"It's your fault that James died it should've been you not him." Robin said. Alli nodded, "Robin what have I said about controlling your anger?" Colin asked. "Still having anger issue problems I see Robin." Alli said. He looked at her, "It's been a while I just wanna catch is all before whatever happens." She said. "Who's that?" Colin asked pointing at Stubbins. "That's my brother the one you guys said if you ever caught me with him you'd let him live he's done nothing wrong." Alli said. "He gets out." Colin said.

"So what I heard Colin you're married and have a son now huh?" Alli asked. I looked at her knowing she's stalling, "Yeah Evan." Colin said. "I always knew out of you and Robin you'd be the first to marry and out of all of you boys to have kids." She said. "Robin what about you seeing someone?" She asked. "Five months." Robin said. "Wow I am impressed." She said leaning on the bars. "He's also got a boy." Colin said. "You've got a son too?" Alli asked. "Yeah married but she died sad story." He said. "But hey you got another go." She said. "Will you two open your eyes she's stalling." Rassouli said. "You are?" Both brothers asked. Everyone rolled their eyes except Alli.

"Guys please take Tom out whatever happens to me he doesn't need to go through or see." She said. Colin nodded then he held his hand to Alli who went to shake it but he pulled her to the bars her head hitting them, "Alli." Stubbins said going to his sister but I held him back. "All you had to do was never show your face again and leave it at that you failed." Rassouli said. "Now you'll both pay you for taking Lily away from me and you for taking James from them and ruining a good marriage." He said. Alli got up and went back over to us, "You knew what would happen if you returned." He said.

I looked at the door where someone I hoped to never see again lived, "Yes." "John." Alli said to me looking where I was. "You're okay darling." I said quietly. "Oh my." Colin said and laughed. Rassouli and Robin looked at him. "I would expect this out of him but you Alli no, no." Alli held onto my arm, "Robin what have we always said who Alli's belongs with?" Colin asked. "Not James." Robin said. "No, no our joke Rassouli was she belonged to the man who took your daughter well look at what we've got here." Colin said.

He looked at Alli and I and chuckled then he opened the cell and waved at Stubbins. He looked at us, "You should go." I said. "It's my past that's caught up to me not yours you go." I said. He started to but ran to Alli, "I don't wanna lose you." He said. Alli hugged her brother and I knew was trying not to cry as he was, "I'll be alright Tommy." She said.

"I can't leave you you're my sister." He said. "I did this to myself this has nothing to do with you. You understand whatever happens to me is not your fault." She said. He looked up at her, "Don't cry please don't cry." She said wiping his cheek. He shook his head Alli smiled at him, "I've always been proud of you and always will be." She said. He hugged her again, "I love you so much Tommy." She said. "I love you too." He said.

She pulled back, "Alright go." She said. He walked over and Alli stood up. I hugged her and she let tears out and I saw Robin was the last one and he had look of hurt on his face as he walked away. I wiped her tears kissing her head, "Um....." I said. The guards walked over, "We're in compliance." I said as they cuffed us. I looked over at Alli and she looked broken and I held her hand, "We're in this together." I said. She nodded as I rubbed her knuckles.

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