Leone Abbacchio | Bartender

Start from the beginning

"Who are they?" He inquired. "That's Tina and Lucy. They are also patrons and they come in every Sunday. It's really nice. They're a couple so they're always playing love songs, or sad songs." Y/n answered.

After a second more of listening to them perform, Abbacchio added; "I think I know who to hire for my funeral now."

This made Y/n stifle a giggle before full on laughing. She held her head on the counter as she laughed, trying not to show her red face. That laugh, how adorable. Abbacchio smiled as she laughed, feeling such a flutter in his heart felt amazing.

And for the next few months, he kept going to the bar whenever he could.

Most would take this as him being an alcoholic, but his need for it lessened, instead drinking wine more and with her. Something about Y/n kept making him want to keep going.

Everyone around them found it abnormal. Bucciarati and the gang would find it strange how instead of being incredibly drunk after coming back with Y/n helping him up, he'd be relaxed and making jokes at the door with her. With just this lady's help, his depression was fading.

And for Y/n, her co-workers found it weird how she was able to talk to such an intimidating man and yet be so much more happy with him, making everyone else a bit jealous.

The both of them shared something though, throughout the countless times they had met and that was the fact that the both of them were oblivious to their love addiction for one another. It wasn't just love at first sight, or a crush. They both grew on and grew to want each other.

One day, Abbacchio had decided to point out the paintings in the restaurant. Oddly, they were quite pretty to him. He looked over to the oil painting of a few roses in a vase and inquired; "Y/n, where'd you get the paintings?"

The lady turned to him, placing down the cup she had. "I painted them myself." She responded. The males eyes widened slightly, looking up at her. "Really?" Y/n chuckled, her face slightly pink. "Uh, yeah. I-I have more of this stuff at my house if you wanna check 'em out."

Abbacchio nodded with a grin. "Sure. If there's wine included, then it sounds fun." He added. Y/n huffed lightly and said; "Alright. After my work hours, I'll take you to my apartment, but you've gotta help clean up the bar. It's the least you could do."

And so, after the other drinkers left, they began to clean up. Abbacchio noticed how Y/n still had trouble reaching the shelf, trying to place a few bottles on top. Being the 6'2 giant goth he was, he helped her, taking them up with ease. She gave him a small stare. "Thanks." "Well, a shortie like you shouldn't do that yourself." He said, slightly ruffling her soft hair.

Once everything was cleaned up, Y/n led Abbacchio to her car while her co-workers locked the bar up. Along the way to her apartment, they made witty jokes, trying to fill in the silence between the two with laughter.

Eventually, they got to the apartment. Y/n unlocked the door, letting the two inside. Abbacchio's eyes scanned the place so far. Modern, cozy, seems like the kind of place she'd live in. Paintings were, again, scattered about on the walls.

He turned over to one, saying; "I never really had an interest in art until you came along." Y/n gave him an astounded glance. "Oh, shut up." "No, I'm serious."

He then took a glance at a door just a little bit away. It was slightly ajar, making him curious. He slinked over to the door while Y/n was looking somewhere else. He entered the room. It was rather colorful, but blank at the same time. Paint splatters on the white walls, a canvas in the corner and a desk in the other.

He strides over to the desk, noticing the book on it, and picking it up. He flicked through the pages, first it was a few images of random people, some he recognized from the bar. Then, shocked, he found a face he knew too well. His own.

As he kept going through, he found more images of him. Sketches, full drawings, it was charming but at the same time, kind of frightening. He heard the door, open, whipping his head in that direction, finding a wide-eyed Y/n.

She slapped a hand over her mouth with a gasp, her face red like a tomato as she covered her face with both hands. Abbacchio walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Y/n, have you been drawing me?" He inquired. Y/n peeked through her fingers and responded; "...Do you remember when I said you were attractive? Well, after that I started drawing you and... yeah."

She uncovered her face, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Expecting some type of scolding insult instead what she got surprised her. "They're really good."

She looked up at him, dumbfounded as she watched him walk over, placing the book on the table. "I think they're really good."

The lady sighed in relief, but her body froze once she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. "Y/n, I'll be honest. I've felt a lot happier ever since I met you. Unlike a lot of things, you make me happy." He said with a warm smile, reassuring her. Y/n cupped his cheeks in her hands, giving him a kind gaze. "Oh Abbacchio." "...Leone." "Huh?"

"My name's Leone, Abbacchio is my last name." He instructed. Y/n chuckled slightly, leaning to him. "Leone... I like it." She said just before leaning in, pressing her lips against his.

Instantly, Abbacchio had become flustered. He's had kisses before, but this was the first time he had one he liked. Once he had finally kissed back, she pulled away, his purple lipstick staining her lips. "Y/n?" "Yeah?"

He was hesitant, diverting his eyes, nervous even. "Would you... like to date me?"

He felt the same, pleasant pressure on his lips again before she replied. "Yes you fucking idiot."

I'm a sucker for Abbacchio like o_O

-L o f i

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