Prologue Part 2

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as you know. one of the two rulers had to be evil and rule with spite and malice. and the other, each generation, had to be good and rule with kindness and protection. each generation it was supposed to swap. that is, until countess Sun and countess Fall, who were just as evil and at blame for the first collapse of Aerlandia since the big war, as the Elements. who's generation was supposed to be evil.

the Seasons names of the time were...

Sun(summer) Fall(autumn) Everest(winter) Daisy(spring) - these were the 'good' rulers

and the Elemental names were...

Aura(air) Phoenix(fire) Indra(water) Fern(earth) - these were the 'bad' rulers

I'm not sure exactly what happened in those years as i wasn't there. but as far as I'm aware, the war was horrible. the last time the Elements had been seen anywhere close to Aerlandia before that was the great massacre of 1568, which was horrible. apparently the countess Sun had gone mad and killed many earthlings who had no idea of what was going on, and by doing that. she declared war on Earth.

the Elements thinking they were 'doing their job' went after her, only wanting to protect their home. but the evil part of them took over and caused them to send armies of wind and water, of stone and fire. and then the countess Sun took all of the Seasons to face them. for one big battle.

the battle was enormous. they fought and screamed and eventually the fight led to the castle being broken in half. perfectly thought the middle. the two sides being that of the Seasons, and the Elementals. all eight women perished that day, and it is said that the kingdoms that once were bound together, were broken by the very people who swore to protect it.

but don't worry, that's not the end...

it's only just the beginning. 

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