❤️Soul Mates❤️

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You and eric have been going out for most a year now and you have always known that his job is dangerous when you got that phone call your heart stopped and it was like that you couldn't breathe, Eric is your best friend and soul mate he is everything to you so when you got told he was dead you broke

(Your name) i walked around the hospital i just got told that eric was dead i didn't understand what was going on i saw Riggs i ran up to him he saw me

(Riggs) ha your here do you know whats going on i said

(Your name) someone told  me that Eric's dead you said that with sadness you saw a doctor excuse me have you hered anything about Eric Matthews because we have been told that he is dead i said

(Doctor) oh your friend is in. A safe place now

(Riggs) does that mean his dead

(Your name) i burst into tears

(Doctor) come with me

(Riggs) we followed the doctor into a room i put my arm around (your name) as tears rolled down her face

(Your name) when the doctor opened the door i was expecting to see Eric's body the door opened and he was lying on the bed and he sad smiled at me i ran to him and cryed and i kissed him

(Eric) shhhhh its ok im ok im here now i kissed her head and she layed down with me and snuggled into me. Could we have sometime alone please i said i looked into her shiny blue eyes and kissed her lips i love you i say

(Your name) i love you too i thought i lost you

(Eric) you know i love you since the first time i saw you i have always wanted you i never thought you will ever be with a guy like me someone who loes his temper quickly but when you said yes that you will be my girlfriend you made me the happiest man on the earth you make me feel special and that i can be someone i want us to have a future together when we first kissed it was perfect your my soul mate and the queen of my heart and what im trying to say is will you marry me?

(Your name) tears was running down my face of course i will i loved you since the day i saw you. You made me feel safe in your arms you catch me when i fall you make me laugh when im down you pull me through my dark places i love you and i will want you to be my husband and yes i will marry you. I smiled and we kissed

(Eric) i love you

(Your name) i love you too

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