Chapter 1

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                   3 YEARS AGO.....

            I open my eyes at the sweet touch of my grand mother, caressing my forehead while waking me up. She was the only lady in the entire universe that I felt secure with. After my parents' plane crash, she was the one who helped me compose my broken self and taught me how to keep my head up while facing the world. She came to wake me up like this every morning just because the alarm clock was never enough to wake me up.

     "Morning, gram ma" I got up and hugged her like a 2 year old would do.
     "Good morning, Scarlet. You know its your first day at your job, you better hurry up, baby" She said pulling back from the hug and tugging my hair behind my ear.

     "Mm-hmm... I know. I'll be downstairs in five minutes." I told her with a warm smile and she left my room.

     I had recently taken my diploma and became a certified psychiatrist. And because of firm grip on my subject, I was appointed as a psychiatrist in a mental asylum down the street. It was a very well known asylum and had treated many manics and depressed people successfully. Thinking about everything while looking in the mirror made me chuckle. I wanted to be a psychiatrist for my mom, because she was a very depressed person. But now when I achieved my mark, she wasn't here.
      I tear rolled down my cold cheek. I sighed and wiped the tear away and took a quick shower. I wore some decent clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast. The amazing smell of the waffles and eggs filled my senses. I quickly had my breakfast, kissed my gram ma and headed towards my way. I had called a cab earlier, so I didn't had to wait for long.

      The weather was cold and cloudy and I was praying for rain with all my heart. I was always a rain lover since my childhood. The smell of the soil when it rained lead me to somewhere deep in fantasies. And somehow rain was always lucky for me. My mom always used to laugh at me when I used to play in rain and get sick. I was taken out of my vague thoughts when the driver pulled near the asylum.

      I entered the building and it started raining. I wave of happiness ran through my spine. I headed towards the head office, met the in charge and the staff.

     "A very warm welcome to you, Miss Knox" said the lady with silvery white hair with a smile across her lips.

     "Thank you so much. Its my pleasure.Call me Scarlet." I replied, shaking hand with her professionally.

     "Mr. Weaver is our vice in charge, He will show you your office. Have a nice time." She said and I left with Mr. Weaver.

        I was lead through a long and narrow hallway. There were little rooms with steel doors. Mr. Weaver said behind those doors were the people with very severe disorders. I felt really bad for them but kept going. At the end of the hallway i saw another room, but it was very different for the other ones. The door was of steel but the glass pane in the middle of the door was covered with black curtain and somebody was screaming their heart out. The shrieks were so intense and heart shaking. I asked Mr.Weaver about the room.

     "Mr.Weaver! Why is the girl in the room shouting? And why the room has made so dark for her?" Anxiety and fear has masked my face.

      "I would suggest you to stay away for this room and the patient and far as possible." He said with a stern and cold look.

      We reached my little cabin and he left me with a few files of patients which I was supposed to work on. Rain pattered lightly against the office window forming small rivers that twisted and turned on its route down the window before being lost in an endless stream plummeting into the black abyss below. I had always enjoyed the rain even as a child. It always helped to make me feel at peace. But at the moment however I felt nothing! My heart as blank and empty as the night sky. The mystery behind the walls of that room and the story of the girl's screams was haunting me

      I was intrigued to know what was with her. Her screams and heart piercing cries reminded me of my mum. I wanted to help her. But why would Mr.Weaver not let me? What was so scary about her? Who was the reason behind those ear drum bursting cries and behind those sobs?

Hey evryone :) I hope you like the chapter. Don;t forget to vote ,please. <3

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