Then came the firearm training.   

    He placed the gun in her hand and her eyes widen a bit at the feel of cool metal.

    “Are you sure about this? I don’t think it’s a smart thing to give a blind person a gun.” She said, while feeling the gun in her hand, familiarizing herself with the weapon.

    “No, but you’re going to need to learn. You might be blind but you have your other senses. And I know you know how to use them.” Roland stated.


    “Think of them as your daggers, only smaller and way faster.” Roland interrupted her.

    “Fine.” Valerie whispered. “Show me how to use it.”

    So he did. When he was sure she was ready, he allowed her to practice shooting. Making sure that she was as far away from the house as possible, in case Ariana came out and Valerie shoot her. That would not be good.

    She practiced everyday, knowing fully well that she would not be a good shot. Come on she was blind for fates’ sake.

    Since she started training, her wolf has been giddy. Over the past months, her wolf was happy with the training, the feeling of companionship, the warmth of having a friend. Valerie was thankful and overly happy to have Ariana there, she never had a friend before and she didn’t know how to approach people her age, nor people of any age. However, that didn’t matter to Ariana. Ariana was the most optimistic, caring individual that Valerie knew. She would do anything for her.

    For the first time in her life, Valerie was happy. She was happy to be alive. She didn’t feel like her blindness was a hindrance. Instead, it heightened her other senses to the point where she could now hear the chirping of birds 3 miles away from her destination. She could catch the smell of the smallest scent. She used touch for everything, familiarizing herself with her daggers, the gun, practically anything.

    It was amazing how quickly she came along with her training, she adored learning something new each day. Something different.

    She raised her gun and inhaled the scent of her surrounding, before she found her target. Then without any hesitation, she shot the target continuously until she was out of bullets. Knowing fully well that she hit the bull’s eye, probably not with every shot but over half the amounts she fired. She was better with her daggers.

    “Wow, nice.”

    Valerie merely turned her attention towards the voice. Recognizing that it was Tyrell’s and catching the scent of Roland and Oliver.

    “You have done well little grasshopper.” Tyrell said, trying to mimic a Confucius master’s voice but failing quite miserably.

    “Shut up.” Valerie said, her tone light and not serious.

    “Whatever you say cutie.”

    Valerie laughed at his comment. He was the most easygoing guy she had ever known, he was always coming up with a smart-ass comment or a new joke. He always picked on her or Ariana, but knew where the line was so that he never crossed it.

    Oliver was the strong, silent type. Never saying more than a couple of sentences, but those small statements are always important. He was also the most patient amongst the three guys.

    Roland was their leader, she respected him and knew deep down that he was a softy. He gave out orders, making sure that everything was carried out to the way he want it to be.

    She loved them. They were her brothers and Ariana was her sister. They were a family and as tight as any blood related siblings could be.

    “Why are you guys here? Aren’t you suppose to be on an assignment?” Valerie asked. Knowing fully well the type of work the guys dabble in.

    “We finished early.” Tyrell answered.

    “Oh that’s good. Ariana would be happy to know that you’re home.”


    Valerie turned her attention to Roland. “Yes?”

    “We think its time.”

    “Time for what?” Confusion in her voice, her eyebrows knitted together.

    “Time for you to put your training to use.” Oliver answered.

    “Are you serious?” She asked.

    “Are you ready?” Tyrell countered back.

    Her lips curved into a smile.

    “I am.”

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