"Great. Pope read about it. So somebody's going to die." Emery said worrying for whoever is going to dive.

"You put the thing in your mouth and breathe, how hard could it be?" JJ asked

"If you come up to quickly, you can get the bends." Pope said.

Emery had heard of this before and remembered that it can kill you.

""Like bend, bend-over?" JJ asked bending over.

"The bends kill you JJ." Emery said seriously while JJ's face dropped at the knowledge.

"I can dive." John B suggested.

"Yea you can dive. I'm find with that." JJ said.

"Since when can you dive?" Kie asked worried for him.

"I can dive. I'll be fine." John B said.

"Let me do some calculations." Pope said his mind at work.

Emery looked over at John B and Kie and saw them having at moment and smirked at the two. She thought they were cute but knew that Pope also liked her more than a friend and felt sorry for one of her friends.

Kie and Emery stood beside each other not paying much attention to Pope spitting out knowledge. Until Emery heard Pope bring something up about a safety spot.

"Kie let me see your shirt." Emery asked holding her hand out.

After grabbing Kie's shirt, Emery took of her shirt and jumped into the water.

"Uh, what was that all about?" Pope asked.

"I don't know, but I liked it." JJ said staring at the water where Emery had jumped in.

"Shut up JJ." Kie said laughing at how the boy looked dazed.

"Okay I tied my shirt and Kie's about 10 feet down where you need to do your safety stop." Emery said swimming over to the boat.

JJ had walked over and put his arm out for him to pull her up.

"You know that was really hot." JJ told the girl resulting in the girl giving him her signature eye roll and blush.

"Make sure you have enough to make you stop." Pope said.

"How much do I need?" John B asked.

"Unclear. Breathe as little as possible." Pope said patting the boys shoulder.

"Zen. Think zen, you know," JJ said breathing in air.

"Hey, if we get caught up in the marsh, we are basically screwed so get gotta get a move on." Pope said.

Kiara walked over to john B kissing him on the cheek dangerously close to his lips.

"Diver down?" John B asked.

"Diver down." Emery said looking over to the boy as he jumped into the water.

Emery shared a look with Kiara saying 'we are talking about that later.'

"I swear he better be okay." Emery still hovering over the stop he had just jumped in.

John B was like a brother to Emery. His father, Big John, would always take care of her when she still lived with her dad and he came back from work drunk. One day though he dad just up and left and so her Aunt got custody and John B was there the whole time.

She just kept telling herself 'He will be fine. He's john B nothings going to happen' in attempt to calm herself down but it wasn't working. JJ saw that the girl was bouncing her leg, a thing she did when she was nervous or angry, so he wrapped an arm around her telling her he'd be fine

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