chapter 2 (tw for blood)(improved)

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Upon waking up, Kaito immediately knew something wasn't right.
One; he wasn't in his bed.
Two; it was way too early.
And most importantly,
Three; he couldn't breathe.

Oh, fuck-
His left hand flew to his face, already knowing what was about to happen.
The uncontrollable need to cough gripped his body, and still covering his mouth, he began to hack and wheeze.

A fresh mix of blood and saliva rushed out from his mouth with each cough, and he cringed at the warmth of it on his hand.

Damn it-
He cringed harder from the pain in his stomach and his chest, small tears forming in his eyes.

The fit of coughing continued for a few minutes until it finally slowed down.


Before getting up to clean himself off, Kaito let his body rest so his breathing could even itself out.

The breaths were husky, and occasionally he had to cover his mouth again to prevent more blood from coming out.

Shaking slightly, he stood up.
Stop, he willed himself with a grimace.
Stop shaking. You're fine.
He stiffened his body and slowly walked towards the kitchen.

It's way too dark in here... He quickly snatched his phone out of his pocket. Turning it on, his eyes squinted at the brightness of the screen. His eyes still adjusting, he just barely read the time. 4:42 AM. He groaned and turned the flashlight of his phone on and used it to navigate his way to the kitchen drawer containing his medicine.

Finding the drawer, he messily opened it and shone the flashlight inside to make sure he grabbed the right one. After all, wouldn't want to take his grandpa's weird sleeping pills that allowed him to sleep past 9 alarms.

He gripped the container in his left hand, covered in semi-dried blood, and closed the drawer with his hip.

Gramps even made sure to remind me before I fell asleep!
Grumbling and cursing at himself, he stormed over to the bathroom, knowing that his grandparents would sleep through it just fine.


The face he saw in the bathroom mirror wasn't anything unfamiliar to him.

His hair was still half up with gel, with random parts stuck down from where he had laid on it. His face was paled from its usual tannish color, with dark circles forming on his bottom eyelids from grogginess. The lifeless-looking eyes of his reflection gazed into his own, and he frowned at himself.

Of course, most noticeable was the blood staining parts of his face and his entire left hand.

Fuck, I got some on my uniform, too... He grabbed at the slightly bloodstained cloth and tried to find all the spots that had been dirtied, soon finding that there were far too many.

Guess I gotta wash it out in the machine.
He wanted to start right away, because he knew it would take a while to wash it all out.

School starts pretty early, so...

But he didn't move yet. He just kept staring at his stupid reflection.

God, I look pathetic. He furrowed his eyebrows at the pale-faced, distraught-looking teen in the mirror.

"That's not how a hero's supposed to look, now is it?" He mumbled to his reflection, picking out and downing some of his medicine.

He stopped gazing at himself in the mirror and instead resorted to taking a shower, leaving his stained uniform on the floor.

I'll just wear another one, he thought as he turned the shower on.


He dried himself off and got ready to go to school.

Lazily picked up and slid on one of the uniforms he had worn earlier that week.

Went back to the bathroom to brush his teeth and gel up his hair again.

Checked the time again. 5:02 AM.

I might as well get going. I can buy breakfast somewhere...
He searched around for his backpack while shoving some money into his pocket.
Once he found his backpack, he hoisted it over his shoulder and made his way to the door.


Kaito groaned out loud as he stared up at the still-dark sky. The sun was just barely rising, but it was half blocked by the unmistakable mass of dark clouds.

Rainy day.

Hopefully it's clear by the end of today.

He let out a light cough into his fist, and quickly after checked for any blood.
That was good.

He started on his route to school. Pulling his phone from his bag, he opened his messages.



          hey man

             u awake?



see u at school bro


Besides the whole illness thing, Kaito was basically on his regular morning routine.
Waking up, going out while it's still dark, texting Shuichi to make sure he wasn't staying in his bed for no reason.

Of course, it wasn't irregular for him to cough up blood, either. It happened whenever he slacked off on his medicine too much.

His family members were the only people who knew about it. He had begged them to not tell anyone outside the family. Reluctantly, they had obliged, as long as he promised to take his medicine regularly.

So, when he coughed up blood, he always hid it.

From everyone.


A bit past the halfway point to his school, raindrops started to fall.

You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me.
Kaito picked up speed and pulled his school jacket over his head.

I'll eat later. I don't wanna get caught in some shitty downpour, he thought with a grumble.

As he broke into a run in the direction of his school, one thought entered his mind:
Today is stupid.

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