I shared a look with Siyeon before we all filed into the room. It was still a bit awkward for me to make eye contact with her, but we needed to be on the same page in order for everything to go according to plan. Besides, I was sure that that dream was a fluke anyways. I focused on finding my seat, pleased that I was put in between Minji and Gahyeon. Siyeon was seated on Gahyeon's other side, a perfect vantage point for us to exchange signals without being noticed. Everything was shaping up quite nicely for this morning's festivities.

Our hostesses stood at the front of the room in order to welcome everyone before things got started. Gahyeon, being the more confident of the two, clinked a fork to her glass in order to call everyone to attention. She cleared her throat before projecting her voice for us all to hear.

"Good morning, everyone! Thank you so much for coming today. My name is Gahyeon and I'm a friend of Minji's. This is Handong, and she lived with Yoohyeon's family for many years as an exchange student. We are both so grateful to be included in the bridal party for Minji and Yoohyeon's wedding, as well as to be in charge of their bridal shower. Breakfast is about to be served, so please stay seated and your meal will be brought to you. We'll let you all enjoy your food, and then we'll be back to introduce some fun activities we have planned. Once again, thank you for coming. We hope you enjoy your meal!" she announced before she and Handong walked off to join us at the bridal party's table.

Sure enough, the food arrived as promised. Everyone made pleasant conversation as they ate. I took the opportunity to people watch, and check out who had made the guest list. It was obvious which table belonged to Yoohyeon's family. All of them were dressed in such extravagant rich people clothes, it felt like they might as well be fanning themselves with dollar bills. Minji's family had a table next to theirs, I recognized her mother and some of her aunts that I'd met. Next to them was a table that contained some of Yoohyeon's college friends, and I could smell their pretentiousness from a mile away. All of them might as well have tattooed "I think I'm smarter than you" on their foreheads.

Last but certainly not least, I spotted the table with Minji's friends. I was surprised devil horns didn't sprout from my head at the excitement I felt seeing so many of her exes in the bunch. I hadn't even had to meddle and invite them, Minji had done that all on her own. She had probably done this to extend one final olive branch and give them closure about things truly being over. After all, Minji was friends with basically all of her exes, but most of them still had it bad for her. Her decision to play nice was about to bite her in the ass if everything went according to plan.
Once almost everyone had finished their breakfast, Gahyeon and Handong returned to the front of the room. On their way, they headed over to the spot Siyeon and I had been messing around earlier, most likely looking for the documents we'd stolen. When they realized that they were missing, the two girls looked much less composed than before. Unsure of what to do, they stared at each other in panic. I felt for them, I really did. I wished things could have worked out to where we didn't have to sabotage their event, but Siyeon and I had to pull out all the stops if we wanted to get our way.

"Er, I apologize for the delay, but it seems that we've misplaced the games we'd planned for today. We'll keep searching, and we apologize for this. Feel free to have some more food in the meantime!" Gahyeon chirped, trying to smooth things over while she and Handong frantically searched the room.

Siyeon nodded at me, and I stood up in my spot. Everyone looked up at the sudden movement and soon all eyes in the room were on me. My cheeks colored a bit at this onslaught of attention, but I made sure to speak loud enough for everyone to hear.

"It's okay, Gahyeonie, we don't need a plan to have fun! We can bring back a tradition from high school. Do you remember the boast and roasts? It can be like a fun, more casual way for us to toast the brides before the wedding. After all, we're all friends and family here!" I suggested, looking at Minji in hopes that she would approve.

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