Since it was the first day, Siyeon figured skipping would be harmless. The professors usually talked about themselves the whole time before handing out their syllabus. Siyeon could easily obtain copies of these online or in-person another day, so she was perfectly content to stand outside and watch students meander about the campus. People-watching was Siyeon's activity of choice when she cut class. It was fun to make judgements about her peers, who all seemed so sure of themselves and their bright futures. She wondered what it was like to have dreams and ambitions. She had lost hers the moment her parents stuffed her in this expensive prison.

Siyeon grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, and proceeded to light one. Her trusted lighter and her smokes were her only true companions anymore. Siyeon was by no means the most popular girl in school. Her first year, she had had a roommate but they barely spoke. After that, Siyeon's parents had managed to score her a single room for this year, much to her relief. In her classes, she made it a point to keep to herself (on the days she actually showed up). Considering her less than stellar attendance record, people preferred not to work with her on group projects. Siyeon was fine with this, and had worked out agreements with her professors to let her work as a lone wolf on all assignments. Perhaps if she had liked it here, she would have put in more effort to make friends. In high school she had had friends, not many, but a good group she trusted. They had made the bullying easier. Too bad she had lost touch with them after being sent to this stupid school. Oh well, no use in lamenting over the past and what was lost. She had already done that enough.

Siyeon took another drag, blowing out a cloud of smoke. A crowd of girls passed by, giving her a disgusted look. Siyeon smirked at their reaction. She knew she fit the typical stereotype of a delinquent, cutting class and smoking. She was even dressed like one in her ragged jeans and oversized jacket. She didn't care what people thought of her anymore. The bad girl loner image had helped her survive thus far, and she was content to stick with it.

Siyeon's cigarette was almost to her lips once more when she saw something that made her drop it to the ground. Siyeon cursed when she realized she had wasted a perfectly good cig, but couldn't tear her eyes away from what she was looking at. There was a girl walking along the quad who was so beautiful that Siyeon found herself unable to tear her eyes away. She was tall, looming almost the same height as a few of the saplings that had been sprouting on the quad since last year. In addition to her height, this girl was as slim as a supermodel, wearing a sweater dress that clung to her stunning frame. Siyeon gawked at the gorgeous woman who was practically skipping as she toted her textbooks along to class. Her braids swung as she moved, making her even more adorable.

The stranger looked in her direction, noticed her, and lit up like a Christmas tree. Siyeon realized that this angel among humans was heading towards her, making her panic. What business could someone so wholesome possibly have with a trash heap like her? She looked for any distraction that could save her from having to interact with the girl and risk humiliating herself. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to escape and there was nothing nearby that would rescue her from carrying a conversation. Pretending to be on the phone would be too tacky, and she had no friends to call as it was. Tree girl burst on the scene, standing right in front of Siyeon with a smile that squeezed her heartstrings. Her nose crinkled a bit, probably put off by the smell of cigarettes, making her look like a rabbit. Siyeon gulped nervously, afraid of the effect this girl already had on her.

"What do you want?" she barked, inwardly wincing at how cold she sounded.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm a first year, so I don't know where anything is. Would you be able to show me to the music hall? I've been looking everywhere for it. This place is so confusing! You look like you know what you're doing, and I'd really appreciate it if you could help me. My name is Yoohyeon, by the way. What's yours?" the angel, now known as Yoohyeon, explained.

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