She didn't have to resort to using the cute face (even though I fell for it every time), I actually didn't mind at all. It was a big boost to my ego knowing I was good at something that Yoohyeon wasn't. Considering how much Minji loves food, it was nice to know that my cooking was still special to her. They always say the quickest way to somebody's heart is through their stomach. Plus, cooking would give me an excuse to hide out alone in the kitchen and keep myself busy for a while. Even though this whole thing was becoming somewhat less terrible, I wouldn't say I was having the time of my life. Any excuse to avoid being in the same room as the soon-to-be newlyweds was welcome as far as I was concerned.

"It's no problem at all! I'd be happy to do it. Let me check out what's available in the kitchen, and I'll get started right away!" I assured her.

Minji clapped in excitement, and Gahyeon's mouth was practically watering already. Both of them had tasted my recipes many times, and were talking up my skills to the others. Maybe it was my fragile ego imagining it, but Yoohyeon looked a tad jealous of the praise I was receiving. Man, did it feel good to feel like the one on top for once. I wanted to keep standing there and revel in the glory, but I had a dinner to make.
Soon enough, the fruits of my labor were laid out on the table for everyone to enjoy. Not to toot my own horn, but I had really outdone myself this time. The scent wafting from the plate was irresistible. I could see everyone's eyes fixated on the meal before them. I beamed with pride as I served everyone my fabulous creation. It didn't take long at all for all of them to begin chowing down.

"Wow, it has been way too long since I last had your food. I didn't realize how much I missed it. This is way too delicious!" Minji complimented with a mouth full of food.

"It really is good. Thanks for making us dinner," Yoohyeon added, although her tone was much less enthusiastic.

"I'm glad you enjoy. I'm happy to cook for you whenever, although I may have to start charging you for it after a while," I joked.

Dinner went on without much conversation after that. Gahyeon and Minji were eating as if this was their last meal, Handong and Yoobin were being pleasant dinner guests, and Yoohyeon and Siyeon were picking at their food like pouty children. I tried not to pay much attention to any of them, and focused on my own plate.

Dinner eventually finished and after everything was put away, the real fun began. We had all had a drink or two with dinner, but Yoohyeon was ready to play bartender with the fancy setup by the pool. Yoobin had shot her down before she could do so, claiming that the drinks she mixed were almost poisonous. Apparently ratios were not her strong suit. Yoobin had actually worked as a bartender for a few years, and offered to do it instead. Yoohyeon was once again sulking like a dejected puppy as she watched someone else get all of the glory.

I had not yet decided how I felt about Yoobin, but it was hard not to like a person giving you alcohol. Her drink-making skills were pretty impressive, and instantly made her much cooler. Even though I was ready to wrestle somebody for a drink, I hung back and let her serve the other girls first. I even let Siyeon go ahead of me. If there was one person in this place who needed a drink more than me, it was that girl. I watched her inhale whatever Yoobin had mixed for her, probably trying to speed up the process as much as possible. I was quick to chug my own drink, hoping that Yoobin had been generous with the alcoholic portion.

"Wow, looks like Siyeon and Bora are ready to have a good time tonight! Bottoms up, everybody!" Minji squealed, shotgunning her drink.

"Sweetie, I don't know if it's a good idea for us to stay out too late. We have a lot to take care of tomorrow morning, and the tailor will be coming after that. We'll want to look and feel our best for the final dress fitting," Yoohyeon objected, putting her hand on her fiance's shoulder.

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