hot chocolate / part two

Start from the beginning

"What's funny is," I tried to breathe, "I wanted to eat them so bad wrapping them up!  Now I have my own!"

"Me too!" He grinned.  "But I remembered how much you loved collecting the cards."

"Me too!" I laughed again.  Harry, who I was sitting by, nudged my arm and motioned towards the Great Hall's entrance.  Draco had walked in, looking lost as he saw the empty Slytherin table.  There were a couple Slytherins around the Great Hall, but all of them were much older or younger than him, and sitting comfortably with their friends from other houses.

He continued looking around, his arms carrying a stack of carefully wrapped presents.  He was wearing his uniform sweater vest over his white collared shirt.  That immediately gave me a twinge of sadness as everybody around him was wearing cute Christmas sweaters gifted from their family.

"He looks quite sad," Harry said.  And he was right.  Draco looked as stressed as ever, which, admittedly, made my heart ache.  I had been dying for a conversation from him since he didn't show up for Christmas Eve dinner last night.

"Maybe we could invite him?" Luna asked.

"No way," Ron shot.  "If I have to spend the morning of Christmas with Draco Malfoy I'd-"

"It's Christmas, Ron," George said, then turned to Draco and motioned him over.  Draco cautiously walked over to our table, sitting down slowly to my left.  He looked around and set the stack of presents on his lap.

"Merry Christmas," He said quietly, nodding his head to me.

"I don't believe we've met," Said one of the twins.  "I'm Fred."

"And I'm George," Nodded George.

"Nice to meet you both," He nodded his head.  "I'm Malfoy- uh, Draco.. Malfoy."

"Nice to meet you uh Draco Malfoy,' Fred laughed.  The rest of us rolled our eyes at his bad joke as Draco looked to the ground, oddly shy.

"Oh, I brought gifts for you and Harry," Draco looked to Ron and pulled out two gifts from his pile on his lap.  "Thought it'd be, um, redeeming, in a small way."

I was shocked as he held out two carefully wrapped packages to the two boys.  They were covered in metallic emerald green paper, which could have been for Slytherin but worked fine for Christmas as well.  The boys reluctantly accepted the gifts, holding them gently and eyeing Malfoy suspiciously.

"What?" Draco shrugged and glanced to me for support, but I probably looked as confused as the boys did.  "It's Christmas.  Do you not know how to open a box?"

And so the boys slowly tore off the wrapping paper, probably expecting something to pop out at them or scream when they touched it.  But Draco watched them open them with focused eyes, hoping, genuinely, that they'll like them.

"No way," Ron said, bursting into laughter.  He held up a set of chocolate frogs, a bit larger box than the ones Ron and I gave to one another, and I laughed too.  Draco looked embarrassed now, as if he gave him the wrong gift and we were laughing at it.

"No, Draco, look!" I nudged him and showed him Ron and I's identical gift to one another.  "We were just surprised at how we all seemed to have the same ideas for one another."

"I was wondering where I got the idea," Draco eased up, even smiling a little.  "You must have told me what you got him and then I forgot and gave him the same thing."

"No way, Malfoy," Harry interrupted, smiling.  "The updated copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, even the library doesn't have this one yet!"

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