" Let's see your bison fly now Air kids, "  Sokka teased sarcastically crossing his arms.
" Come on Appa, you can do it! Yip-yip!" Aang encouraged before flicking the reins but, all poor Appa could do was merely rise and let out a growl.
"Ha! Thought so!" Sokka mocked before a little girl ran out from the crowd "Ahhh!" And then made her way next to Katara with tears in her eyes, " Aang, (Y/N) don't go I'll miss you!" She cried I looked back at Aang,
" Gimme a minute will ya?" Before standing up and taking a running start and flipped off the back of Appa landing in a squatting position in front of the little girl who looked at me with her teary eyes, " We'll miss you too little one." I told her gently and opened my arms slightly. The little girl ran into them, wrapping her arms around my neck and buried her face into my shoulder slightly crying. I held her for a bit before placing a kiss to her forehead and standing up before looking at Katara who looked like she was about to cry before taking her into my ' Big sis' embrace, she immediately hugged be back while other my hand made its way to the back of her head and rubbed it. We let go of each other I kissed her forehead gently, " Goodbye my friend," and with that, I ran up Appas tail and back to my place with Aang who looked really sad. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder into a side hug, he made a little smile before looking back at Katara longingly as the wind blew gently, flying threw my (H/L) hair before turning back, " Come on boy." He Told Appa and with that, Appa turned and we made our way to the snowy outlands of the South Pole.

Time skip

We were resting on some Ice formations well, it was kinda more me with Aang resting in between my legs with his back facing me his head being tucked under my chin using my chest as a pillow, my arms were around him While Appa was being the lazy Bison he can be was laying on his back under us. Appa grunts, " Yeah, I liked her too." Aang spoke sorrowfully, as I sighed nodding my head in agreement, my eyes travelled back to the beautiful ocean but squinted when I saw some black blurry thing but then went wide when I realized what it was.
A FireNation ship! I followed the direction It was going...it was heading towards the village! I gasped " Kid...Kid look!" I shouted as I unwrapped my arms, making Aang jumped at my sudden outburst but then looked anyway and gasped now as distressed as me. " The village!" He shouted before we sled down from our resting place into the cold ground, " Appa wait here!" I instructed Appa who only Granted lazily. We took off using all our speed to try and get to the village. I look to my right to penguins! Wait I have an Idea, " Aang, penguins!" I told him who seemed to understand and we jumped on them, me standing in its back as if I was surfing the Elephant Koi again. It took us almost no time to get to the village the kids cheering at our sudden arrival even tho they were covered in snow for a minute. After being kicked off the penguins I looked to see fire navy soldiers and a teenage boy looking not too much older then Sokka and I. With my swords out and Aang and I both got into fighting positions ready to defend the village " Hey Katara, hey Sokka." Aang greeted them cheerfully Despite the current situation we were in,

" Hey Aang, (Y/N), thanks for coming.." Sokka greets us with defeat, " Looking for me?" Aang asks the teen looks at him shocked, " You're the Airbender? You're the Avatar?" Aang stayed in his fighting stance while everyone's eyes besides mine were on him shocked. " Aang?" Katara asked  surprised " No way.." Sokka let out bewildered, " Yes way." I replayed still glaring at the scarred fire nation teen in front of us, " I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating, and your just a child!" The teen Yells at Aang,
" Well FLAME-BRAIN your just a teenager like us," I told him chuckling while Aang, Sokka and Katara burst out Laughing at the nickname I gave the fiery teenager who now out of rage sent a series of fire blasts at Aang while three fire navy soldiers charged at me ready to fight. The first one came ready to 'give me hell' but I stabbed and cut him in the leg and pressure point on his shoulder ( Idk if there is a pressure points there but go with it XD ) making him fall to the ground, dodging a fire punch from the other one and gave him a pretty nasty cut in the chest ripping a bit of his uniform(?) as the two fell to the ground letting a cry in pain before all of a sudden my swords were knocked out of my hands and flew to the ground near Sokka who yelped in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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