Never enough, His mind kept repeating in a loop inside his head, while he heavily breathed.

"What did you say?" Joffrey demanded, the smirk now gone and replaced with anger.

"He didn't mean it" His mother was quick to interfere, while Declan's relationship with his grandfather seemed in a never-ending downfall the one with his mother had reached a place of mutual peace where both parts seemed to ignore the other actions.

Declan knew that if she had to take a side it would not be his.

Never enough, The voice inside his head said again, he could feel a pressure in the back of his skull, a powerful headache slowly coming.

"She is no longer yours to torment" Tyrion stated, taking Joffrey's attention from his brother. But it only served as a reminder to Declan that now Tyrion was to marry Sansa.

Sweet little Sansa whose trust had been placed in Declan. Sansa whose family was almost all dead. Sansa that would be used to keep the North from attacking them. Sansa who should have been living a life like in those fairytale stories that she read as a child.

He did this, The thought came like an arrow in his brain, Frey killed them to please grandfather because now that Tyrion was going to marry Sansa Tywin could not have anyone on the way of taking the North from himself while he keeps his hands clean and ends the war, He was starting to get dizzy, it was too much.

"Everyone is mine to torment" Joffrey simply stated, but Declan was no longer paying him attention "You do well in remembering that you little monster"

"Oh a monster, perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and just now Kings are dying like flies"

Two threats to kill the King in less than 30 minutes. It only made the room grow tenser.

"I could have your tongues out for saying that" Joffrey stated to both Declan and Tyrion.

Cersei tried to calm Joffrey while Pycelle was telling Tywin how unacceptable that behavior was when Joffrey shouted.

"I am the King!"

"Any man who must say I am the King is no true King" His grandfather finally said "I will make you understand that when I finally win the war for you"

"My father won the real war! He killed Prince Rhaegar! He took the crown while you hid under Casterly Rock!"

Declan's eyes widened, it seemed that Joffrey registered his words too by the look upon his face.

"The King is tired, see him to his chambers" Tywin calmly said.

Declan watched as Joffrey weakly tried to stay but finally their mother's words made him leave. Slowly all members of the Council left, leaving only Tyrion and Declan with Tywin in the room.

"Walder Frey gets all the credit" His uncle started "Or the blame I suppose, depending on your allegiances. Walder Frey is many things but a brave man no. He never would have risked such action if he didn't have certain assurances"

"That he got from me" Do you disapprove?"

"I'm all for cheating, this is war, but to slaughter them at a wedding..."

"Explain to me why it is nobler to kill 10.000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner"

"So that why you did it? To save lives?" Tyrion questioned.

"To win the war, to protect the family. Do you want to write a song for the dead Starks? Go ahead, write one. I'm in this world a little longer. To defend the Lannisters, to defend my blood"

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