twenty ✰ "neverland is waiting for us."

Start from the beginning

a smirk grows on charlie's face. "exercising the right not to walk."

"thank you, mr. dalton. you just illustrated the point. swim against the stream."

later that night, scarlett leaned against the entrance doors, waiting for neil to get back from rehearsal. after a few minutes, the brunette boy walked through the doors, a smile growing on his face when he sees the blonde.

"hi, darling." he gives her a kiss on the lips.

"how was rehearsal?"

"it was amazing." neil grinned. "care for a walk?"

scarlett nodded as she slid her hand into neil's, the two walking off into the courtyard.

the two walked side by side with neil telling scarlett all about his rehearsal. out of the corner of his eye, he sees todd sitting by himself on one of the walkways.

"todd? hey." said neil.

"hey." todd mumbled.

"what are you doing out here all alone, todd? what's going on?" asked scarlett.

"nothing. today's my birthday."

"is today your birthday? happy birthday." neil said with a grinned.

scarlett smiled as she sat down next to todd on the ground.


"what'd you get?" scarlett asked.

"my parents gave me this."

neil and scarlett look at the desk set that sat next to todd. it was still in its wrappings.

"isn't this the same desk set-"

"yeah, yeah." todd interrupted. "they gave me the same thing as last year."

"oh." scarlett and neil said.

"oh." todd said with a grin.

"maybe they thought you need another one." neil laughed.

"maybe they weren't thinking about anything at all." todd suggested. "uh, the funny thing about this is i, i didn't even like it the first time."

"todd, i think you're underestimating the value of this desk set." neil said as he picks up the desk set, examining it more closely. "i mean, who would want a football or a baseball, or-"

"or a car." scarlett chimed in with a smile.

"or a car if they could have a desk set as wonderful as this one? i mean, if, if i were ever going to buy a desk set twice, i would probably buy this one both times. in fact, its, its shape is, it's rather aerodynamic, isn't it? i can feel it. this desk set wants to fly."

neil tossed the desk set lightly in the air

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neil tossed the desk set lightly in the air. "doesn't it, scar?"

"certainly, neil." scarlett grinned as she stood up, standing next to neil. "i think that its this desk sets' dream to fly."

todd stands up as neil hands him the desk set.

"todd? the world's first unmanned flying desk set."

todd flings the desk set over the side of the walkway and it falls to pieces down below.

scarlett giggled as todd sighs in relief.

"well, i wouldn't worry. you'll get another one next year." neil said with a grin as he slings his arm around scarlett's shoulders. the two walking away, with todd following behind.

"that desk set got to live the best life." scarlett laughed. "i wish i could fly."

"one day, we can both fly away to the second star on the right and fly away to neverland." neil joked. he knew how much scarlett loved that children's film.

"and never grow up? never having to worry about college and everything that comes with being an adult? sounds like a dream."

neil smiled at the girl weakly as he kissed her on the head.

"we will get to neverland one day, scarlett." neil whispered. "neverland is waiting for us."

author's note:

hi i've been feeling inspired so that is the reason for the what feels like millions of updates.

anyways, i honestly don't know why i included a reference to peter pan. it is one of my favorite disney movies though sooo

neil perry would definitely be a lost boy in neverland. no one can tell me different.

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