Chapter 2: Rose and Solar

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~Maximum Ride's P.O.V.~

It took the entire group a good hour or two to get the girl and the boy back to my mom's house. Ever since the Flock, the two newbies, and I got home, the girl stayed out cold on the couch with a wet cloth on her forehead, and the boy has been sitting on the armchair in the living room, not saying a word.

When my mom went to go check on the unconcious girl, she let out a gasp and said, "Max! I think she's waking up."

The girl's eyes fluttered, and she looked around, slightly confused. A few seconds went by before she shot into a sitting position. "Who are you?" she demanded. "Where am I?"

The boy shot out of the armchair and sat on the ground next to the couch. He laced his fingers with the girl's and smiled sweetly at her. "We're fine. I think if they wanted to hurt us, they would've done that already. Besides, they saved us from that terrible place, and they didn't have to. I think we're safe."

"He's right," my mom said with a reassuring smile. "Everything's going to be just fine. I'm Dr. Martinez, and this is Max, my daughter." She gestured over to me, and I smiled. "She helped with your rescue from the School."

"Yep!" I rested a hand on the top of Angel's head. "I couldn't have done it without her. This is Angel."

Angel waved a hand with a happy smile on her face. "Hi!"

I gestured over to Iggy. "That's Iggy. He's blind."

"Not deaf," I heard him scoff.

I simply ignored the comment. "That's the Gasman," I said while gesturing over to Gazzy. "You can call him Gazzy. You'll understand the name later."

"I'm Angel's brother!" Gazzy added while smiling and waving.

"And last, but not least, Fang." I pointed over at Fang, who nodded towards the two as his hello.

"Hi," the girl said while nodding towards Fang.

"Hello," the boy said with a bow of his head.

"So, what's your names?" my mom asked, the reassuring smile still planted on her lips.

The boy shrugged his shoulders the girl opened her mouth and closed it again. After a minute of silence, the girl finally said, "I-I-I don't know. We don't know." Her red eyes flickered down to the ground like she was ashamed of not knowing her very own name.

"That's fine," I told them. "We named ourselves. Just give yourself a name. Anything you like is just fine."

The two thought for a moment, then the girl said, "R-Rose."

"Why, hello, Rose," I said to her.

"Solar," the  boy said.

"Solar?" I looked over at him, confused.

"Yeah," he said with his feline golden eyes locked on the ground. "I want my name to be Solar. Is that weird?"

"Not at all," I said right with Nudge asked, "Solar like the solar system?"

Solar shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

"Ah, um...Angel told us you were like the Flock." My mom gesutred towards the rest of the bird kids. "So, you have wings?" She paused. "If you don't mind my asking, of course."

Rose shook her head. "Oh, of course we don't mind. I mean, I don't mind. I'm not sure about..." She glanced over at Solar.

"You were right ," Solar told her. "We don't mind. Um, can you go first, Rose?" He looked over at her.

While nodding her head, she got to her feet. She shook her shoulders while a pair of beautiful black and red feathered wings slowly unfurled from her back. As everyone but Solar gasped, Rose looked down at the groun with her cheeks turning pink.

"Fang, description," Iggy whispered.

"Real, real long brown hair," Fang whispered back. "Pretty wings with black and red feathres, about the same size as Max's. Dark brown eyes."

I could practically hear Iggy's smile from across the room. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, Gazzy ran over to Rose and said loudly, "Your wings are so cool! I want red and black wings!"

Nudge ran up to Rose with an excited expression on her face. "Wow, your wings are amazing and so pretty! And I would totally love, love, love to do your hair! It's so long and beautiful."

Rose's blush deepened. "Th-thanks. And g-go r-r-right ahead. That's f-f-fine with me."

Nudge let out a squeal as Rose curled her wings. The two girls sat down on the couch, and Nudge started playing with Rose's hair. Once Gazzy sat down beside Iggy, I put my attention on Solar.

"What about your wings?" I asked him.

Without saying a word, Solar rose to his feet and unfurled his wings. His wings were a pale silver, and the feathers near the bottom of his wings were a bluish-black color. Again, everyone but Rose gasped at the sight of the wings.

Suddenly, the Flock was an up roar. During the noise, my mom pulled me to the side and asked, "Max, will you adopt them into the Flock?"

I let out a big breath through my nose. "I dunno, Mom. I haven't gotten any bad vibes from them yet. Everyone has taen a liking to them. I guess if it's okay with the rest of the Flock, then they can join. But if I get a feeling that they're a threat to us, then they gotta go."

My mom smiled while ruffling my hair. "That's my girl. You and the Flock talk it over while I take Roe and Solar to go get a make over, so no one will recognize them. When we get back, you can talk to them about what you decided."

I nodded my head once. "Completely fine by me."

My mom shushed the Flock down before turning towards the newbies. "Rose, Solar, now that you're out of the School, they might come looking for you. So, I think it's best if we go and get you guys a make over to help you hide better." Then she let out a gasp like she just realized something. " Is that okay with you guys?"

Rose nodded. "Yeah. Sounds good with me."

"It's fine," Solar mumbled.

My mom nodded her head once. "Good. It looks like Rose can fit into Max's clothes, and Solar can fit into...Iggy's. Max, Iggy, would it be okay if they burrowed some of your clothes until they get some of their own?"

Iggy and I both nodded. "It's fine," we said at the same time.

"You stay here, Iggy," I said. "I'll go get the clothes from your room, then from mine."

Before Iggy could argue, I left the living room. A few minutes later, I came back with a white t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and a pair of grey sneakers for Solar and a white tank top, a black jacket, blue jeans, and a pair of my boots for Rose. I handed the outfits over to the two newbies before gesturing over to a bathroom. "You can go get changed in there. One at a time, though."

"Thank you," Rose said, and Solar nodded in agreement.

Once Rose behind a locked bathroom door, I studied Solar's features. I couldn't tell what might happen on this little adventure, but something was telling me that I needed to be ready for whatever's going to come in the future.


Here's the second chapter! I hope you enjoyed, and like the first chapter, TianaTwitch also wrote this chapter, but I simply rewrote it with her permission.

The song choice is It's Time by Imagine Dragons.

The Beginning of the Game (A Maximum Ride Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin