Wordlessly, he helped her unbox her tools. "I saw the news articles about your achievements and the competitions that you won. Your mom also came over that one time after they had visited you so she could give me the package that you left for me."

He paused. "I...thanks for that...the costume, I mean. It's been helpful...What are you doing?" He asked as he looked up at her, his train of thought being interrupted.

Ayano stared back at him with a pair of scissors in hand, ready to cut her hair. "I promised you that I would not cut my hair until I return. I have returned, so now I am cutting my hair." She explained in her regular impassive tone.

Bakugou chuckled. "You really waste no time with these things, huh?" It was just like her to do something like this. Comfort and practicality over anything else, right?

"Give me those." He demanded as he swiped the scissors from her. "I know you're just going to chop everything off without a second thought, so I'll do it."

Ayano turned around without question, but she didn't waste the opportunity to tease him a little. "Since when did you become a hair stylist? What, did you learn this when you interned with Best Jeanist? I do remember that wonderful hairstyle you came back with."

"We don't talk about that." The blond abruptly ended the conversation, playfully tugging at her hair in warning. The girl chuckled, deciding to spare him this one time. "Was the long hair really that annoying?" He asked.

"You have no idea..." She remarked with a sigh. "Your gift certainly helped though." She said as she raised her right wrist to show him the reddish-orange cloth. Bakugou simply smiled to himself, as he started to cut her hair.

They continued in silence with Bakugou snipping away and Ayano browsing through her phone. The silence was broken when she began to hum in thought. "...217 times, huh? That is quite a lot..." Bakugou raised a brow in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"It's how many times you listened to that voicemail I left you."

The comment made Bakugou's hand slip, causing him to accidentally slice off a large chunk of her hair. Ayano turned her head to look at him, her hand coming up to feel her now very uneven hair. "Well now, who's the one chopping off who's hair?" She laughed.

Bakugou stumbled back, the back of his hand shooting up to cover the large blush emerging on his cheeks. "Y-You...!!! How do you...!!"

"I am the one who rigged your phone, remember?" She answered before he could even finish the question. She took the scissors from him, finishing the job because Bakugou clearly no longer could. "I could not receive any outside information to my phone because of the I-Island security measures, but now that I am back in Japan, I can see all the missed calls and everything that was sent to my phone while I was away."

Ayano cut her hair quickly while explaining, wasting no movements as she returned it to its original style. "So, you really did miss me then." She teased him as she set the scissors down.

Bakugou's blush grew as she walked towards him with that smirk of hers. "I...Of course I did..." He muttered. "And you didn't?" He accused her, trying to make this not so one-sided.

Her smirk didn't falter. "I never said that." She replied, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck to lean in for a kiss. Bakugou didn't hesitate to meet her.

"If anything, I have probably watched all those videos of you working for Endeavor even more than the amount of times you have listened to that voicemail. I am just glad that my parting message helped." She smiled at him.

"It did, but it was no replacement for you." Bakugou declared with absolute confidence. They smiled at each other as they leaned in for another kiss.

Suddenly, Bakugou pulled away, remembering something. "You didn't keep your other promise." He accused. At the tilt of Ayano's head, he elaborated. "In a lot of those articles and videos about you, there was this stupid bean pole with you."

The girl thought for a moment before it clicked in her head. "Ah, you mean Raymond." Bakugou scowled at that. "You even know his name?" His voice was clearly laced with disgust. The thought of another man trying to get close to Ayano sickened him.

"He was one of my classmates. We were often paired together for group projects and entered many of the same competitions." She blinked. "You're not really jealous about that, are you? That is hardly something within my control."

"So long as he knew his place." Bakugou growled. Ayano just shook her head. "You really are an idiot, BaKatsuki."

"Shut up." He said without any malice, pulling her in for another deep kiss. One of many that they would have that night.

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